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    • Food Network
      Food Network posted to Statuses & Comments
      I am not liking my new cell phones child lock feature. I can't answer the thing. It says swipe either way to answer. I swipe left, nothing, I swipe right, nothing, I've missed probably 25 calls in a day because I cannot answer it. About every other time it works and I can pick up. It's always the important phone calls that I have been playing phone tag with that it jacks up. Charlie is going to take the child lock off it so it won't do that anymore. Other than that its a great phone. So if I accidently @$$-dial anyone, I apologize in advance. Lol I should have handed the phone to the little boy standing next to me in the grocery deli and asked him to answer the phone for me. Lol
      • Food Network
        Food Network posted to Statuses & Comments
        We just tried a delicious recipe! Butter-fried chicken breast wrapped in bacon & stuffed with Gueyer cheese, fresh sage & served with Fontina Au gratin potatoes, roasted asparagus & homemade apple pie
        • Food Network
          Food Network posted to Statuses & Comments
          How To Make Chocolate Raspberry Trifle Kiss of Irish Cupcakes Crock Pot Super Veg & Shrimp Pasta Green Curry Chicken Rotini Gluten Free Lasagna Parmigiano-Reggiano Cheese Pesto BEST RECIPES
          • Food Network
            Food Network posted to Statuses & Comments
            How to make chocolate chip cookies even better! THE BEST Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe!
            • Food Network
              Food Network posted to Statuses & Comments
              I'll probably catch 9 kinds of heck for what I'm about to say, but I don't care. I wish we could get the arctic blast here. I'm beyond jealous that everyone is getting snow and we aren't. I LOVE snow!
              • Food Network
                Food Network posted to Statuses & Comments
                I'm having a great day! I was heading out to buy a new Keurig coffee maker because ours is on the fritz & Dad calls me so excited to tell me he won a raffle..A new Keurig & for ME! SO HAPPY!
                • Food Network
                  Food Network posted to Statuses & Comments
                  Christmas tamales, peanut butter fudge, cocoa fudge, Oreo truffles, PB balls, chocolate chip cookies, Divinity, Ginger Bread Houses & People and Roast Beast are in the making this week!
                  • Food Network
                    Food Network posted to Statuses & Comments
                    I think it's a shame that stores are open on Thanksgiving Day. It seems to me Holidays are about spending time with family & friends, not Best deals for cheap. I'm not participating until tomorrow!
                    • Food Network
                      Food Network posted to Statuses & Comments
                      Thankful for a husband who is willing to help clean the house on a Saturday morning when really he wants to be sitting on the couch watching TV drinking coffee & working out. I think he's a keeper
                      • Food Network
                        Food Network posted to Statuses & Comments
                        I hope you guys are hungry and ready to eat because we are serving the table right now!
                        • Food Network
                          Food Network has a new avatar
                          Food Network
                          • Food Network
                            Food Network joined the site
                            • News Update
                              Nice to remember the horror movies when we were teens. maybe many people want to discover inside that home bedrooms, if there are ghosts or bad spirits hanging around to scare people visiting it.
                              • News Update
                                News Update commented on the file Abandoned Sweet House In The Woods
                                That forest house used to be a property full of action several years ago when United States was building the new world. To bad it is an abandoned house with a scary look.
                                • News Update
                                  News Update posted to Statuses & Comments
                                  While some countries are going on bankruptcy business failures and high unemployment and companies bankruptcy all over the planet earth, and with bad credit, some companies like Avantor is announcing a higher credit rating upgrade by S&P global ratings. Also, meantime some countries in America are opening their airports with a high e😜ectation to receive lots of tourists to fee their broken travel systems, the requirements are way to strict demanding from their visitors to acquire their Covid19 test in advance. It is going to be hard and slow the world travel recovery.
                                  • John Deere
                                    John Deere uploaded the file Abandoned Sweet House In The Woods
                                    You know, it is really sad to see a house like this one getting deteriorated with the time and nature overtime. To now that maybe it wont last fifty years more and it will be totally gone. Abandoned House Found In The Woods , Probably...
                                      • News Update

                                        That forest house used to be a property full of action several years ago when United States was building the new world. To bad it is an abandoned house with a scary look.

                                      • John Deere
                                        You probable thought that such an events like this one never happened, but not think it twice. An abandoned funeral hearse scary stories & photos at this next Halloween day! An old rotted abandoned funeral hearse with a partially mummified...
                                        • John Deere
                                          These things or places are proof of the past that still stands like saying "look at me, I'm not as crazy as you thought". The abandoned condemned wing of the Oregon State Hospital in Salem, also known as the Oregon State Insane Asylum, was built in...
                                          • John Deere
                                            This photo is a high quoted image. The Scary Movie IT Photo Based on The Scary Novel IT By Stephen King. This photo is of the Clown, Pennywise, in the Barrens of the small town of Derry, Maine from the scary movie " IT " (1990) that's fictionally...
                                            • John Deere
                                              A very serious matter with the algae attack the sides of the abandoned pool. Without a no doubt, I Always make sure the color of my pictures is the best because an image hard to see and understand, it is never my style. If you are just...
                                                • News Update

                                                  I know for sure many people feel really scared when they see a lost no were ugly abandoned and empty swimming pool, and specially if the pool is being invaded by snakes, frogs, and wild plants too.

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