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    • John Deere
      John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
      Sometimes happiness can come from small little victories. Like today I was walking into McDonald's to get a McDouble sandwich for my lunch. Normally I tell them no ketchup or mustard but add mayo and they almost always give it to me with ketchup and mustard and no mayo. But, today a calm came over me and I said they win . well over 10 years of fighting this ketchup and mustard battle and the the McD's employees keep getting younger and dumber. So, I just took the food walked back to my truck and wiped off the the ketchup and mustard reached in the fridge grabbed my squirter bottle of mayonnaise and gave it a shot. Energy and nerves are spared and not aggravated at those people at all.. I win! @mcdonaldsmenue
      • John Deere
        John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
        Another work week down in the vicious cycle of a trucking work life and all that S**† that goes with it is now done - more punishment ahead in the next episode of pounding on some asphalt.
        • John Deere
          John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
          Always put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
          • John Deere
            John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
            Sometimes you are a flush and sometimes you are a bust, and when you are up, it is never as good as it seems, and when you are down, you never think you will be up again, but life goes on anyways.
            • John Deere
              John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
              On the road again and enjoying a delicious coconut creme pie iced coffee and a Resepi donut. Happy New Month Of May !!!!
              • John Deere
                John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                I'm sitting here in my truck stop watching the green horns backing up. It's entertaining but every now and then you see a trainer training a new guy and realize that the trainer needs trained as well.
                • John Deere
                  John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                  I noticed a semi truck parked in the fuel island with a missing door on the trailer. Couldn't help but wonder how that happened . All the way at the other end of the truck stop there stood a guy waiting on his 2 Big Macs and I could tell this guy was a bit challenged mentally if not completely stupid . As I followed him out the truck stop back through the fuel island I noticed he climbed in the cab of the truck pulling the trailer with the missing door..and now I know the reason the door is gone is because that company hired that idiot to drive their truck in the first place!
                  • John Deere
                    John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                    I guess I am not allowed in any McDonald's restaurant anymore. The last time I was there, I was enjoying my Big Mac and fries while watching the kiddos have fun in the McD's Playland when one of the Moms asked me, "Which one is yours?" I responded, "I don't know, I haven't decided yet." Needless to say, nobody has a sense of humor at all these days! @mcdonaldsmenue
                    • John Deere
                      John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                      I have spent a majority of my life on the interstates and highways. There's not a day that goes by out here that I don't see somebody's hood, fender, or bumper laying on the side of the road - sometimes 6 or 8 of them! - with license plates still on them too! I can't imagine why anyone would just leave those laying on major roads, I would think they would want them. And I cant help but think its kinda like leaving your drivers license at the scene of a crime! And where is the rest of the debris? Did the tow truck come and sweep up everything and leave the bumper? Why? Does the Highway Patrol require the bumper to be left at the scene of an accident for I.D. purposes in case they cant make it there in time? Are there that many trucks running around without front bumpers and plates?! Yeah, I do wonder about these things.
                      • John Deere
                        John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                        So, I'm now wholeheartedly convinced that truck driving on the run is somehow psychologically damaging. I'm often having conversations with myself and sometimes I get so upset at myself and the things that run through my mind that I will stop talking to myself for hours in an attempt to make myself act right when talking to me, myself and I.
                        • John Deere
                          John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                          I guess I am just not understanding all of the details. I am just wondering this, and nobody has an answer, yet. If ILLEGAL UNDOCUMENTED immigrants are WORKING in the USA, then WHY can they not use some of their hard-earned American income to become LEGAL here? My mom is a U.S. immigrant from Switzerland and obtained her Green Card in her 20s with no problem whatsoever. She has been a an E.R. doctor who saves lives daily since 1995. In other words, she is a LEGAL immigrant in the United States of America , and is not protesting today. Nobody needs to protest, just get documented while you live in this great country, be good, and stop complaining. Or, e😜lain, WHY you are complaining and WHY you are not documented.
                          • John Deere
                            John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                            I just can't help but wonder what kind of truck drivers are being turned out of the trucking schools these days when I have one ask me if he is parked in the parking spot correctly. I mean, heck, it's got two white lines. One on the left and one on the right. You keep between the lines and pull to the end of the line..a very nice guy but, talk about dumb and cheap entertainment !
                            • John Deere
                              John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                              People are cracking me up! Just because the number is going from 2016 to 2017 DOES N0T mean things are going to change. If you want your life to be better, make it that way yourself. The number of the year changing can not do it for you, I promise.
                              • John Deere
                                John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                I am sick and tired of this election being referred as THE MOST historic event of American history. Every presidential election is an historic event. The current election is not historic, unless you want to call it an historic embarrassment. They're just going to get worse. We've done this to ourselves with our love for reality TV and the trash on daytime television. Hopefully like all fads...this one too will get old and civility will come back into style!
                                • John Deere
                                  John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                  Sometimes in the dead quiet of my Mack truck I find that my thoughts often run away with me.. a zone I find myself in from time to time. just me and the white noise of the air conditioning blower and the rumble of the engine vibrating my seat with the occasional chatter of the engine. These moments have a calming affect on me physically, spiritually, and psychologically. It's my happy place.
                                  • John Deere
                                    John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                    I watched a documentary last night on The Backstreet Boys, and can now accurately answer the twenty year old question of 'Did they really sing or lip sync?' Yes, they did really sing and they still do! They thought lip syncing was dumb just as the rest of us do. I am a 90s child from when they were huge, and I learned something about singing from them. Even bigger news is THEY NOW PLAY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IN THEIR SHOWS!
                                    • John Deere
                                      John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                      I do not mind anyone standing up for what they believe in, I actually encourage it, but it is ignorant to shut down highways that the working folks have to use to provide food, electricity, clean water, clothes, etc to the hard working American families! If they want to protest then they should go to Washington DC or to City Halls where the laws and rules are made, just not on the highways and streets we use every day for transportation and for working!
                                      • John Deere
                                        John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                        As a semi-truck driver I see more accidents caused by texting then anything else. So, before anybody else loses their s-*t over this Pokemon Go game app breaking news of it causing traffic accidents, remember that texting is worse. Wile driving down the road look at other drivers. Most are texting or looking at their cellphones. Some watch YouTube or sit on social media while driving, and this is sickening, but nothing new to me. People need to look at the #$@&%*! roads and stop putting lives at risk!
                                        • John Deere
                                          John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                          Ponder this: In order to type subtitles for a TV show a person has to have a Bachelor's degree. I cannot help but wonder why is it that these people can make it through college, but they cannot type subtitles accurately. It does not surprise me, though.
                                          • John Deere
                                            John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                            I am losing my mind thinking about my favorite Hazelnut coffee creamer.... that i forgot to buy at Walmart while i was buying the rest of the store on my lunch break I have never drank coffee without creamer until right now. Oh well, at least I have coffee humming nicely through my veins and so, all is right in the world!

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