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    • John Deere
      John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
      This holiday of Saint Valentine's Day has never been one of my favorite days. Since it snowed today, and I had some extra time, I decided to add another least favorite thing to the day, and start my income taxes. Double whammy! So, now I am ready to pull my hair out. I have great respect for all of my accounting friends. I don't know how you all do this for a living, much less enjoy it.
      • John Deere
        John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
        I simply ran 1.4 miles today. That is all. I may not have been able to run much more. I know many of my runner friends are currently running much, much, much further than that, but I will take it. It felt great! Hope to increase my distance in Spring.
        • John Deere
          John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
          I was just at a work conference not in our area and i went out to lunch at Applebee's Restaurant. I noticed my waitress was very sweet but seemed very sad and troubled. We hit it off very good with conversation I could almost feel she has had a rough life. Later, she came and sat at my table. My gut was right she was from a broken up family since she was a child. Her dad spent several years in jail. She opened up and I listened and asked her if she wanted some advice she said, please. I gave her some what I felt good advice and we even talked about church how she may be able to find herself there . She asked for my phone number in case she needs to talk to me which I gave to her. As I drove off she stood at the restaurant window and waves. She called twice today just to talk. I guess my point is this we ALL have goodness inside of us. Our life is just not about us. I think it's important to always be observant there are many people that need someone to talk to and may not have anybody.
          • John Deere
            John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
            I just want to take a moment to wish a very special Happy Birthday to my daughter Kimmy, she's one of my favorite people in the whole world!. Today is her big day. Kimmy is one of the sweetest girls ever and I'm just tickled pink she's my girl! Happy birthday Sweetheart. Hats off to you, and here's to many, many more.
            • John Deere
              John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
              You might be over tired if you put your TV dinner in the microwave, turn on the microwave and wait for the timer to go off, then go sit down after the timer goes off, leaving the heated food in the microwave to get cold while you sit staring in outer space. Yep, I am going to bed early tonight!
              • John Deere
                John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                Cinnamon Glazed Pecans Recipe Easy Two tablespoons brown sugar, firmly packed Three teaspoons real butter Two teaspoons light corn syrup One tablespoon cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon salt One cup pecan halves Combine brown sugar, butter, corn syrup, cinnamon, and salt in a large skillet. Stir over medium heat until butter is melted. Add pecans and cook, stirring constantly, for 8 to 10 minutes. Make sure the pecans are all coated evenly. Spread the pecans in single layer on parchment paper and cool completely.
                • John Deere
                  John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                  Why do people feel the need to touch my car? I wouldn't care so much I guess if my deceased Dad didn't pass it to me after he died in 2003. I was in the parking lot of KFC and an old lady touched my car and said "very interesting detail." I asked her VERY nicely not to touch it please, and then she snarled her nose and gave me the stink eye...people have no manners nowadays!
                  • John Deere
                    John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                    Wishing everyone a safe, blessed and happy 4th of July weekend! As we celebrate our country's birthday let us be mindful of God's blessings and providence; let us reflect upon our forefather's and mother's bravery and faith that built this great nation. Let us show thankfulness for all of the men and women that fought for the USA to allow us to be free! #4thofjuly
                    • John Deere
                      John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                      I just ran the Rock and Roll Half marathon after almost four years! Time to get back into tip top shape again and for good this time!
                      • John Deere
                        John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                        I miss the good old summer days of spending every sunny beautiful day outdoors in the swimming pool, at the campgrounds, in the caves and state parks, fishing, going to Duffy's for ice cream, going on picnics, playing sports, building tree houses with my siblings, riding horses, and not having the technology that we "depend on" today! I want my children to have the old-fashioned fun on summer vacations that I had as a child. Without the interference of video game consoles, iPhones, iPads, tablets, and so on. Just good old school fun in the sun! #summer
                        • John Deere
                          John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                          I just love cracking open a an extra large hard boiled egg only to discover that it was not hard boiled at all...not even a little bit boiled, but completely raw. Ugh What a mess!
                          • John Deere
                            John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                            No offense to anyone, but I believe that The Duggars are not a real family. I don't care what they call it. The fact that millions of Americans are tuning in and giving them attention they don't deserve is beyond me. Why is it on the news that a grandchild is on the way? Does this mean we will be hearing about Duggar babies for the rest of eternity?!! When someone has that many cats, I believe the term is "pet hoarder." And, Full House breaking the internet with news of its upcoming re-boot is a bit like having a seance to resurrect somebody who was a creep in this life.
                            • John Deere
                              John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                              At exactly 103 years ago, Sunday, April 14, 1912 at 11:40 p.m. Yes, the day has once again, for me and for anybody else for whom the story of history's most famous peacetime ocean disaster is an obsession. Today is what I have come to affectionately call the "Titanic Memorial Day". Tonight I will be watching A Night To Remember movie along with other films, documentaries, etc.
                              • John Deere
                                John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                I am not happy at the Arby's restaurant employee who didn't have enough common sense to know that you just don't put curly fries on top of a box while inside of a bag. This is because by the time a customer opens their food bag, the curly fries are underneath, beside and on top of the the sandwich box! I wanted my roast beef sandwich, but no I had curly fries dumped all over my lap and floor while attempting to get the sandwich out of the bag. I can't believe that something as simple as where to place the fries in a bag requires that much darn thought! The customer is always right, I have complained about this many times before today. #customerservicefail
                                • John Deere
                                  John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                  I have no idea who is using my number on Voxer but if any of my friends gets sent anything an Instant Message, then I apologize. I have been having to text twenty people now and counting because some jerks want to send people "poo" in my name, but I am really sorry if anyone else gets this though. #stupidpeople
                                  • John Deere
                                    John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                    What do you most value most in your friends? Companionship? Humor? Loyalty? Availability? Fun? Well, I value trust the most. I want friends who I can trust because I basically share my life with them and I do not want friends who are not trustworthy. Friends will have each others backs through ups and downs, but in the end, real true friends will still there, no matter what.
                                    • John Deere
                                      John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                      We ate at Grumpy's BBQ restaurant tonight for dinner, and we both had the Big Grumpy Cheeseburger. it was a half-pound of fresh ground beef on a gourmet bun with onion and pepper jack cheese, french fries and a sweet tea.However, for starters, the hamburger was not fresh beef because it tasted like a mushy patty. This is the kind of burger patty that you would buy out of a box that has been frozen from a generic bargain store. After starting to eat this #burger, I decided to flavor it by putting ketchup and mustard on it, but no it was still flavorless. I added salt and pepper. Still, nope, nothing at all. I managed to eat most of the nasty Grumpy burger. The fries were for the most part okay, nothing to brag about, but better than the sandwich. My wife was not as lucky. She did not eat as much as I did. So, this was the 2nd and the last time that we are going to eat at #Grumpys. I know now why it is called Grumpy's, because when you leave you are grumpy from the food...I would not eve
                                      • John Deere
                                        John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                        Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass, either way.
                                        • John Deere
                                          John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                          Just came from the Kroger grocery store, where I heard yet another small town parent psychologically scarring their child for life. The clerk commented on what an adorable little man the dad had (referring to the youngest boy), and, looking at his two kids, he replied, "Yeah, but I'm afraid he's going be a lot shorter and smaller than his big brother." There's another big KA-CHING for some Psychiatrist in the future. So happy my only sibling is a sister, and we are way too different to ever be compared by our parents or anybody else. #smh
                                          • John Deere
                                            John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                            Five truckers eating breakfast this morning and one of them said, "I will buy breakfast since you all bought me dinner all throughout the year. He then tells the waitress to bring him the bill. She brings him the bill and he gets all shook to pieces and exclaims, " GAWD DANG WHAT THE HELL DID YA'LL ORDER!!!!. We almost fell out of our seats laughing our butts he don't do that again! Buha hahaha Yep, he sure had a Maalox Moment. 😄

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