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    • Ximena Cortez
      Ximena Cortez posted to Statuses & Comments
      I go to the gym to hoop almost everyday on my lunch break. Today this sweet older lady walks by then comes back when she sees me hooping. She goes straight for my stack of hoops . I smile at her letting her know it's perfectly cool. She's having a hard time at waiste hooping so I step in give her some tips and tricks and cheer her on. Another lady which im assuming is her friend joins I pass her a hoop. Then 3 more ladies see what's going on and I hand them my last 3 hoops. Next thing you know im giving a mini 20 min hoop course to 5 ladies who seemed to be having such a wonderful time. It ended because they realized they were now late to a yoga class they were all headed to. I just feel so good about it because of how much fun they told me they had and that they would join my hoop class. I told them the only thing holding me back was that I felt like I was socially awkward . One of the ladies reassured me I wasn't socially awkward at all and that I should just go for it and that she's looking forward to hearing about my class. They even gave me their information so I can follow up with them whenever it got set into place. You guys ..... this made me feel SO good. It was definitely a confidence booster. I just need to relax and stop self doubting myself.
      • Xavier Gore
        Xavier Gore posted to Statuses & Comments
        I think something I’m going to have to live with is not being met with the same amount of value as the people that I find important to me. What I mean is the level of appreciation that I hold for them is very high. In my mind I place them on a very high pedestal of value. I would climb mountains and go through oceans to see them happy when it is in my ability. I think of them and my heart is happy they are here. I realized (especially on my birthday) that maybe our values aren’t the same. And the way I see others is not exactly the same they view me. I also realized I am not a partial giver it’s either all or nothing from me and that’s why I think I’ll just have to live with it because in my nature I overload and I don’t think I can change that.
        • Corie Adkins
          Corie Adkins posted to Statuses & Comments
          Stephen King writes so well you don't even feel like you're reading a book anymore. The reader is absolutely captivated, and inside the story. It takes a few moments to wake up after you stop reading. That's why he's such a good writer. I love his books more than the movies. #books
          • Ron E Peterson
            Ron E Peterson posted to Statuses & Comments
            I personally feel like somebody has a right to not want to be with someone because of preferences or even how someone doesn’t want to date anyone for whatever reason. Everybody has a type. As a gay woman or man if you approach someone at a bar and ask do you like men/women and they say no it’s just ok well they don’t fall in my attraction so let me find someone else but if someone says they don’t date because of a personal preference then it’s a big deal. I don’t understand. You could be totally ok with trans being who they are with out having to be physically involved with them!
            • Ron E Peterson
              Ron E Peterson commented on the photo I Am Happier And Healing
              • I Am Happier And Healing
              • Corie Adkins
                Corie Adkins commented on I quit smoking 2 weeks...
                I did the 'Cold Turkey' thing nearly a decade ago. I took my Power and decided I was going to do it. Believe me, you are stronger than you think. Just say, you won't, won't, won't WON'T replace with anything - that's if you can. You need 'WON'T...Read more
                • Amy Canul
                  Amy Canul posted to Statuses & Comments
                  I quit smoking 2 weeks ago with stop smoking support, I have the gum and the patches to help, but I feel like I’m really struggling with the change especially with my routine and it’s creating all this anxiety everyday. Ive had anxiety all my life but I’ve had it controlled for almost 3 years now. I feel like I’m anxious about everything and then being anxious about being anxious
                    • Corie Adkins

                      I did the 'Cold Turkey' thing nearly a decade ago. I took my Power and decided I was going to do it. Believe me, you are stronger than you think. Just say, you won't, won't, won't WON'T replace with anything - that's if you can. You need 'WON'T...

                    • Corie Adkins
                      Corie Adkins joined the site
                      • Christina Reiss
                        Christina Reiss posted to Statuses & Comments
                        My sister always gives me all of her leftovers because her daughter (my niece) doesn't eat left overs! She's an amazing cook. So I figure she saves me about $500 a year which is a lot to is money for vacation!!
                        • Xina Walker
                          At age 21 with 2 kids, husband who left me after a year of just purchasing a new home, and not only did he leave, but he left me in huge debt! Debt I wasn't even aware of. I had to struggle to keep my head above water and I had many sleepless...Read more
                          • Xina Walker
                            Xina Walker posted to Statuses & Comments
                            You all need to stop trying to look a certain way and start being a certain way!
                            • Jonisha Ealy
                              Jonisha Ealy posted to Statuses & Comments
                              I’m losing about half a pound a day right now and that’s mostly contributed to my diet. My work out schedule is very inconsistent right now. I am not even trying to lose weight. Hmm.
                              • Teresa Lee Sherrod
                                I feel as a person that’s trying to stop drinking that it takes the upmost of bravery. And for the most part I don't drink until I get around certain people. It’s not even always when I’m social it’s when I’m around certain people.
                                • Victoria Cody
                                  Victoria Cody posted to Statuses & Comments
                                  Sometimes I really have to check myself concerning love. Its those moments of realness and rawness for me. You feel that energy in the room in your heart space.
                                  • Shaneka Poe
                                    Shaneka Poe posted to Statuses & Comments
                                    A big shout out to Pennie Genslinger for bringing the law of impermanence to the front of my mind thus reminding me to live my life without attachment to anything. Just flowing and allowing things to be. Everything has a beginning and everything has an end.
                                    • Aurora Seferi
                                      Aurora Seferi posted to Statuses & Comments
                                      Everyone does know that if you do not rake your leaves, that they will turn into soil right? It's not like they break into your home or anything. Please reconsider to at least not burn them, have consideration for people with breathing and lung problems.
                                      • Victoria Cody
                                        I love this book "The Wool Trilogy" story, good author to.
                                        • Victoria Cody
                                          Victoria Cody provided an answer for the question Recommendations on twisted dystopian novels?
                                          A disturbing story where someone is transplanting teens bodies to adults.  A book that describes a place in the United States in the near future with people who need to appreciate their lives. Unwind is a 2007 dystopian novel by young adult...
                                          • Victoria Cody
                                            Victoria Cody uploaded the file Unwind Book
                                            This book called Unwind by Neal Shusterman is really shocking, involving dismembering teens and transplanting to adults, it has an amazing plot too.
                                            • Victoria Cody
                                              Victoria Cody provided an answer for the question What is the one book you literally tell everyone to read?
                                              Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal. Speak, This one has a special place in my heart. A Dirty Job.

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