Food Network Star Of The Shows To Watch On TV

I'm chlaustraphobic. I didn't consider myself dramatic until Grace started acting just like me. I use to follow my mom into the bathroom every day when I was little like it was where I was supposed to be...Now I know how she felt. I met the Governor of Michigan Edgar and couldn't even speak.
 Total star struck When I did speak he couldn't even understand what I was saying I fumbled so badly I use to fake cry so my brother Chris would get in trouble (sorry Chris) Speaking of Chris every time I hear Wind beneath my Wings I think of him. (cheesy but true).
I LOVE FOOD! I make up rap songs to nursery ryhmes (my poor children) they love them tho!! Just ask James Pandora I have for sometime believed that my husband is a super hero. I was scared of special needs kids in I Couldn't imagine my life without one! I am a survivor of 12 major operations, 10 of them involving the brain.

Fresh Fruits

Cooking and sharing recipes is my passion! Keeping up with all things Food Network, from chefs & shows to recipes & events. Eat, drink and be merry! Food, Cooking, Chefs, Restaurateurs, Roasting, Grilling, Sauteing, Baking, Broiling, Fishing, Eating, Taking awesome Soul Food Paradise Beautiful Food Pictures, raising bees, raising chickens, community gardening.


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    • Tabitha Scott

      Fruits like cherries, big grapes, oranges, bananas, apples and others grown in the United States and canada are the best for following with a healthy diet. I'm the kind of cook who always prefer to combine my dishes with fruit and meats, great taste.

      • Gino

        Looks delicious to eat on the breakfast mornings. I think you chosen the best fruits of the world!.