I told you I would be back !

It has been a hell of a last few weeks, Covid hit our house and my Aunty passed away, the universe rotated about a million times faster than I have ever experienced before, the amount of stress that this month has caused alone has been tremendous, I think sometimes us Woman feel as though it is our responsibility to slow the rotation down so we all don't go flying into the oblivion, and the guilt of not being able to do that at times puts me into a tail spin in terms of my mental health.

If you have ever questioned the ability of the power of plant medicine, don't, crystals and oils have really helped to ground me of late, and with out these I would hate to think where I would be if not for Mother Natures gifts.

I have read so many grounding blogs and inspiring content on this platform the last two days and I am so happy to be here, this little underground of like faces, I feel free here, and I can not wait to start building a friends list of like minded humans x 

I have sent a friend request to those that interacted with my last quick blog, I hope this does not offend any of you, and I will not be offended if you do not accept, but a new start has to start somewhere right ?

Thats all for today 

Love and light x 

    • Stephanie Usry

      I am so sorry about your Auntie, I lost my Grandma to Covid complications last year. :C I am surprised the universe hasn't rotated into oblivion yet, I am into essential oils lately. Lavender really has a calming effect for me, as I have anxiety issues. Anyway, have a nice weekend.

      • Breastmilk Jewellery

        Thank you Stephanie for the lovely comment, yes I also love my oils, it has been a saving grace for sure 

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