What to Know Before Moving to Costa Rica With No Money

Most american people don't know what is waiting for them when they visit a country other that the one they have their permanent residency like the United Sates of America.

Coffee red gold 100% Arabica from Costa Rica

Americans and Europeans can't just imagine the possibility to lose everything they have because they don't care about reading online rich travel information before buying an airplane ticket.
They just don't get it, other countries just acre about selling the country as product to enjoy while Aliens are in vacations and if these aliens visitors run out of money, they will be left to the luck of the streets to get down and down.l
By the other side, the American consulate won't go out there to look for their citizens and the US or British Consulates expect their citizens, specially the US citizens to arrive to their building to ask for assistance, other wise, forget it. 

The job of collecting coffee in Costa Rica

American US Citizen Moving to Costa Rica Blog : What to know before moving to Costa Rica with No Money.  After surveying ten towns in the Central Valley of Costa Rica, we had narrowed it down to San Jose, San Ramon, Grecia and Atenas, Then Grecia and Atenas were left on the table and Grecia won the survey. Grecia is larger then Atenas and the roads in and out of it are much much safer then Atenas.

Some of the roads inside and outside of Atenas are a literally death traps because they are damaged from several earthquakes over the years and never have been repaired. Grecia has multiple stores, shops, shopping malls, schools, restaurants and so much more. Grecia Central and it's surrounding areas are easily ten times or more bigger then Atenas. Finally, Atenas is hotter from what we have heard by many of our friends who live or visit there often. It gets a lot hotter in the summer time from late November to some time in May. Quite unbearable when you are indoors from what we have heard from several people that moved from Atenas to Grecia because of the heat and climate difference. Oh, and DO NOT relocate to Costa Rica without money or a credit card. Bring a minimum of $1,000 to $5,000 for sure, just to start out. You will need an income . So work online or begin a business.  Ah, I almost forgot this, illegal alien or  aliens workers can work collecting coffee at the coffee plantations, they hire those kind of people and pay them a little money per each measurements the workers collect during a very could day and with snakes on the coffee plants that they can bite your arms or even on the face if not careful.

Most jobs in Costa Rica are for the Costa Rican citizens only, unless you get your Legal Permanent Residency.
I hope this helps anyone who is thinking of moving to Costa Rica. ( Pura Vida is the said of the locals when they got you on their land and you already paid their price to stay for vacations there).

    • Ronald Robinson

      I like to visit that little country and then visit Puerto Rico, just to compare them and see where i will retire and live in the future. Or maybe I retire in Florida to go fishing with my friends and family over there near Daytona Beach and Orlando

      • Axolotl Baby

        Costa Rica protects nature, the wild animals and the forest where they live, Costa Rica is a God's blessed land and it will nice if it stays full of green life, it's coasts always clean and the ocean full of creatures reproducing and filling the blue waters on it. A place to go and relax, let the stress go, living happy for ever.

        • Kathy Cowser

          Some day I will go to visit the National Park Of Manuel Antonio, I heard a friend of mine bragging about what a great time she had over there watching the sloths and swimming in the christal clear blue waters of it's beaches. I also seen her photos and those images views were amazing. The trip may cost me  some of my savings, but it is worth it for my metal health and realease the stress while travelling to the monkey forest.

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