Is Twitter A Good Asset For Elon Musk To Pay Almost $44 Billion?

Is Twitter A Good Asset For Elon Musk To Pay Almost $44 Billion?
Does the world's richer person the free time to put order inside Twitter social network platform?
Can he stop the spammers and fake Twitter accounts and deliver the Freedom Of Speech to the world and America? It is hard to believe it! Even thought he has lots of money left to spend.
Mr. Elon Musk has in his power the administration of several companies already and Twitter is going to be more job to do for a rich boy toy.

Tesla And Paypal Stocks Owner Elon Musk
Let's see the companies names of Elon Musk Companies:
SpaceX, The Boring Company, Neuralink Corporation, Zip2, OpenAI, Tesla Electric Cars, SolarCity, PayPal and now He will own Twitter corporation.
Give us your opinions, please.


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Answers (67)

  • I think he is the right person for that difficult job, Twitter needs a leader like him to become more prosperous.

    Elon Musk Will Buy Twitter
    It is going to be a better social media platform to spend time with friends and family.


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  • $44 b is just a little amount of money for him, something like pocket change, I guess.

  • Maybe he was bored and wanted a little of excitement spending a few bucks.
    After all, like everybody is saying, " spend it all while you can because you could die tomorrow and never enjoy your achievements". Somebody else will enjoy all your money, so have fun Mr Musk.

  • Twitter can be a digital place to spend time for fun or it also can be use as a business and work tool for many important busness and artist people worldwide. I think he will make lots of money with that social platform. 

  • Elon Musk just sold some Tesla shares of the company's stocks, I just seen that info online.
    "Elon Musk sold $4 billion in Tesla shares, it is presumably for Twitter deal and he said there aren{t any plans for selling more stocks."
    Elon Musk Twitter Profile
    This is Elon Musk's profile at Twitter.


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  • Don't rich people have something good out there to do?  Things like spending time with sick children at hospitals, working to favor their local communities. Doing something like travelling to Mediterranean and having lots of fun spending their easy earned money? Instead of being wasting their time and money on social media and creating stupid controversy with stock investors of these companies.

  • I see this information on a news website today: There is a law firm suing Mr. Suit Musk for wasting the money of Tesla company. The lawyer calls it waste of money that failed to secure his full-time services. The're saying Elon Musk's  investment with the amount of $44 billion takeover of Twitter is helping provide ammunition for an upcoming trial where an investor will argue the CEO's $56 billion pay package from Tesla Inc is a waste of money that failed to secure his full-time services with the automobile company.

    Investing that large amount of money after selling Tesla's stocks to finalize the deal for Twitter Inc will cause a potential distraction of Elon Musk from Tesla, it is going to play an important part of the trial next October 2022, said one of the shareholder's attorneys.

    The law office performing the lawsuit allegation of Musk created the 10 years package and Tesla's board rubber-stamped it in 2018, and it did not required the riches man celebrity CEO devote himself to the electric vehicle maker.

    "If some looks at most CEO contracts. they will notice that the contract's first line says like this: 'You are going to be a full-time CEO and devote substantially full time to the business and affairs of the company. ' That is standard," said Mr. Greg Varallo of Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann (Attorney at law), the firm that is leading the case against the pay deal.
    Musk and Tesla did not respond to requests for comment. In court papers, the defendants said the plan was properly crafted by independent directors, approved by stockholders and has generated unprecedented gains for investors.

    Just yesterday and today the Tesla's stock has fallen more than 22% since Musk disclosed he had taken a 9% stake in Twitter on last April 4 2022, partly on concerns he was distracted from the electric vehicle maker's supply chain problems.


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  • Many people think that this is a set up for his own publicity and his Tesla electric cars. Some others think that his Twitter followers, at least the half of Elon Musk could be all fake

  • Musk moves his money around like in a Chest game. This man knows his business very well and he will always reproduce his billion and make much more money.

  • I can't imagen how can he sleep thinking he could be losing big part of his money some day.

  • I honestly hate to talk about this guy, but now I can't resist saying my thoughts about this billionaire American business man. He is just so attached to his billions that I think he'll die of a heart attack soon because of the stress that money causes in human mind. He is just blinded by his companies acquisitions.

  • Maybe he should make Trump his partner and allow him to broadcast all his activities, the Ex-president certainly has lots of followers.

  • That's a lot of money! He can use his billions to sleep over like his mattress. How ever, he can feed millions of people hungry around the world too.

  • The difficult part of being a rich baby is to stay in that position for a long time.


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  • Elon Musk thinks he can double Twitter's revenue through subscriptions alone as part of his big business plan.

  • His companies are many and he still wants more?? Well, he got the money or at east he can get it from selling his stocks shares of Tesla company.

  • Just paying a few billions for him is nothing, he has more than a hundred billion in his bank account and a whole punch of billions in Tesla stocks and other companies.

  • Tweeter is OK the way it is, that's crazy to sell it, and less to that guy, he's sick.

  • This guy is just getting boring, al he does is to talk about how much money he has and how much he'll invest net. I think he just need a different toy, some like get a life.

  • I think Tweeter costs more than 44 b, probable it is just publicity.

  • You can't blame him for being rich, it is a very nice feeling not to worry about finding something to eat, everybody will serve you and many times for free.

  • Elon Musk is a very sweet person and he shares his stuff with the poor. He just likes perfection and order around him.

  • Rumors and more rumors about Elon Musk paying almost $44 billion, well, now he put the whole deal on hold till who knows and Twitter's stocks dropped big time again. Musk probable lost a lot of his Bit Coins because of the stock market situation and now he doesn't want to loose more money.

  • A few billions more or less for him is nothing, he has a lot of those and his all life in front to spend them.

  • Who can blame him? Stopping the deal is the best decision anybody could do because otherwise they will lose a lot of money these days with the crisis we are going thru.

  • I can't blame him for being so smart with his money.

  • Twitter is safe for now! I hope he doesn't buy it and leave it alone.

  • This man will have to borrow those billions and then pay to himself because he owns those business already.

  • This man is just bored and wants to play with his follower's minds. To me, he is just trying to manipulate the media and make more money with his image.

  • Poor guy, he lost a lot of money last days int he stock market  and now he is losing followers in twitter too.

  • The life of Mr. Elon Musk is very complicated, for one side he wants t make everyone happy around him ad for the other side all he shows is the intense love for his money.

  • I don't really know what to think about this. Is that the same guy who said these words:  

    Musk’s ultimate goal: Get a self-sustaining population of 1 million people living on Mars.
    To make the planet more hospitable for future generations, he wants to create, in his words, “two tiny pulsing suns over the poles” (source: The Independent). These hovering nuclear heaters would warm up the poles and release frozen CO2, making the Martian atmosphere thicker and more Earth-like. 
    From there, we’d just need to plant a few (million) trees and daisies, which could suck up that CO2 and start replacing it with oxygen. Sweet, sweet oxygen."

    Back on time in 2010 on one news paper that I forgot the name., I think it is  "The Guardian" or so.
    Why in heavens a person like this one can get his hands on so much money and brag so much in this earth? It is just hilarious and sick.


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  • Poor man, it is going to be very hard for him when wants to pass in the future and money won't allow him to be free.

  • I think he is brilliant man. You guys are just jealous because he has tones of money to blow away like rice and you got nothing to show up for.

  • The latest: Twitter must pay $150 million for using people’s security phone numbers to target ads on those devices. It was a settle for privacy lawsuit with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
    And some people's opinions are about: Regulators fined Facebook over the practice in 2019
    Just to put how little money this is in perspective, 150 million is .34% of 44 billion, the amount Elon Musk wanted to buy Twitter for..

  • Forget about buying Twitter anymore, this guy lost billions int he stock market and with Bitcoins too, Big devaluation and loses.

  • Just allow the guy to be happy with his own business. He probable will die with out it. Poor man.

  • Not anymore because this guy doesn't want to lose more of his money. Now his Paypal s taking Crypto money, I guess he thinks the Bitcoin is going to give him back the money he already lost.

  • Elon Muck is a chicken shit, he won't buy Twitter, sell his remaining stock percentage of  car company Tesla or buy Bitcoins anymore. He lost enough already.

  • Economy is critical and anything you buy now, you better use it or sell it immediately because t will depreciate as soon that product is out of stores or car dealers or it is not a necessity for the masses of people.

  • Let's face it! He invested billions in Bitcoins and now, he lost almost 80% of his bitcoin investments. Maybe that's why he firing some of his employees at his space and electric cars companies.

  • I say he lost respect from those who thought he was a great investor and money maker example person, even his former employees are taking bad about his decisions, and he also lost his position at the automobile company Tesla electric cars. Now on he is going to suffer lost after lost till he'll will run out of money. Poor guy...

  • This guy only causes troubles for everything he touches with his dirty money. Now on, nobody is going to take him as a serious business partner, he has no word as a business man.

  • Totally blinded by his gold and silver coins, and by those billions of dollars.

  • Who wants to trust him again?? he has no word as a man because he did not buy the corporation for the amount he agreed.

  • How dare this man tried to hurt my beautiful Twitter profile, he just care about his bank accounts and his companies. I hope Twitter gets through it's suing on the court.

  • He is a man without a word. He offered to buy that company in front of the entire world, this guy is a major loser.


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  • Haven't you seen the news about Elon Musk is America's highest-paid CEO and took home $10 BILLION in 2021, who knows how many billions he is taking every month home now by 2022 and 2023.
    He can buy or deny buying what ever, who can force him to do they want, because he is the richest American business man.

  • This guy eats gold and drinks dollars. His mind is corrupted and he has no soul at all.

  • Elon Musk's money is corrupter and made by him and his family wit lots f lies during their whole life. Right now there are a lt of people upset with his cheap word. Her offered to buy Twitter and did not, he offered to by a soccer team in England UK called Manchester United Football Club and he took away saying it was a joke... his offered like a major liar.

  • Elon Musk is like a magnet, the money follow him where he goes. Lucky man.

  • The billionaire Tesla CEO is now offering to buy the Twitter company again and with that offer he is hiding the fact tat legally he's losing the future court trial. Elon Musk’s feelings about Twitter, are an anomaly in the multiverse of madness. He's is a mad man and people shouldn't believe any of his words anymore.

  • This what I have to say! t least he doesn't have to worry about how he is going to pay his utility bills and how and where he is going to get money to buy food for the next 500 years.

  • Tomorrow when he becomes Twitter's owner, he'll fire thousands of employees because he thinks they are corrupted. That will be the end of that social media website platform.

  • After so much publicity and excuses, now he said he decided to spend a few bucks to buy that social media site and become a competitor of TikTok and Facebook sites.
    These billionaires are suffering some kind of psicosis.

  • Elon Musk knows how to break a good company, he wl be alone and broke if he continues investing and trying to change the companies already established. He should look at Facebook how it is going the hell right now.

  • It is crazy, who wants to work for an egocentric person like this man?
    I think only his Mama can take his idiotic personality.

  • Elon is not a good democracy friend, he got moneys from other weird countries to invest in his Twitter purchase.

  • Elon can't take a loss because right now he is losing $4,000,000 dollars per day and it is going to be much more. Practically it became the worse deal ever in history of the internet.

  • He'll get tired very soon and move on to buy the BookOfLikes, probable.
    Even thou, he is going to deal with a lot of angry employees over there at Twitter first.

  • Elon is shaping the size and future of that site called Twitter, because he wants to change it's name someday soon. People give him some time, it could be the best for freedom of speech.

  • The whole world is talking about Elon Musk's Twitter bans right now!! Elon is treating everybody like his business enemies, he blocked CNN, NYT, WaPo journalists without explanation

  • What an ass, this man is.

  • Musk has killed the bird of Twitter with a stupid " X " and with a with a negative cash flow due to a 50% drop in advertising revenue and heavy debt loads. The billionaire just doesn't care to lose a few dollar. In business history, the Twitter buy was the largest lost of money ever.
    Mr. Musk hated Twitter and that's the only explanation of his loses.

  • I think that Elon is a cool business man with a lot of success and money.

  • Who wants to be there working, it is like living in Russia under a ruler.
    I prefer to say what I have to say right here in Book Of Likes, it is much safer.

  • The Sad X Twitter
    Musk's followers joined the X platform are fake because the numbers don't add up. What I mean is that his company administrators got paid to inflate the amount of the former Tweeter users when the reality is that the social site is getting empty and weaker vs the competition online. He himself recognized it when he said the advertisers where going away because of his changes after he bought the company. Right now, a large chunk of X Musk's profile followers which it is about 39 million represents less than 15 percent. Yet, that 39 million is representing far less than 15 percent of the new users that MR. Musk is claiming, his company former Twitter / X has. Something isn't adding up on the numbers amount he is claiming.


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