I Will Move to Live in Costa Rica When I Retire, I Will Become An Expat in CR

Te facts are that when I'm young under 50 and 65 years old, I should work to achieve the age of retirement int he United States or the country you living now and then moving to buy a small land with a home or a cabin and plant some plantains to fried, oranges, aguacates, mangoes, bananas, coffee, have some chickens, cows, a dog, a cat and living as n Expat in Costa Rica near the beach or the forest as you like. In my case, I will live in a place called Atenas (Province of Alajuela) or in Heredia (central valley) because I won't need A/C (air conditioning units) to be able of getting rid off the mosquitos and the heat.
I going to save as much money from my salary as a insurance underwriter and broker and Medical assistance job to be able of owning a property for my future over   there at CR.
Plantains Ready to Fry and Eat Fried Plantains with Natilla or Butter
Of course you guys can move anywhere else, and if you have any ideas or opinions in a way that we all can learn from you, please share your knowledge about retirement and about the country you will consider living after or before retirement.

    • Aurora E Seferi

      People who reached the retirement age should stay in the US and help their children to raise their kids, be a great grandmother or grandfather. I mean, going to a strange country with a different life style and language is a real thread for most Americans. I won't do such a move in my life.

      • Robert E Rausch

        That's a good choice if you didn't have family and pets to worry with such a trip.
        I will go over-there in the south only if a hotel hire me t cook for them. I also heard that CR is a very quiet place.

        • Alamy Cunnane

          I won't leave my beautiful country for a third class country, besides there are to many bugs and the place smells like poop because the locals don't care and they throw their garbage in the streets and empty lots of land. I love United States because there is order in here.
          Who cares about ripe plantains, too much sweet is not good for your health.

          • Brandon Morgan

            I love Tico's foods and lifestyle. I'm in!

            • Sara Russell

              Poor people should live in CR. It is way too expensive and worst if you don't speak Spanish language because they charge you way more money on the price of things.
              Plus, I heard on the news that the crime is sky high in that central America country and things are becoming more difficult for English, Americans and Canadians.

              • Victoria Triece

                I can't wait too long, and I'm taking vacations over-there in two month. I;m visiting with my boyfriend. Good tropical foods and drinks and a lot of sun at the beach in Santa Teresa.

                • Courtney Lee

                  After the events in Mexico where many Americans lost their lives, I think it is better to retire at home and maybe just visit somewhere else sometimes when there is money saved and left after utility bills are paid.

                  • Jason Edwards

                    I love your post, it is something unique to share, also, if it evolves travel and vacations I'm in.

                    • Jon Jones

                      I'll visit it just for fun.

                      • Patty Jenkins

                        People who move away from their own country, their families and friends are just insane and sick of their brain.

                        • Angel Akon

                          It could be dangerous because I heard there have been several Alien encounters already at Costa Rica, besides the Americans might end-up just having green and sweet plantains for breakfast, lunch and dinner too.

                          • Tracy Chapman

                            People should experience different places and then decide what they want for their elderly lives.

                            • Tracy Chapman

                              I will visit it with a couple of friends and party overthere, then decide what to do.

                              • George Lucas

                                It sounds great to me, tropical life good friends and delicious foods, amazing trip.

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