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Why New Born Baby Elephant Can't Stand Right Away, Is It Too Weak?

After Watching The Video I  Want to Ask: Why New Born Baby Elephant Can't Stand Right Away, Is It Too Weak?
If you love  this baby Elephant video, join to the group to answer my question, please. https://www.bookoflikes.com/groups/profile/567335/new-born-baby-elephant-must-stand-and-walk-today The Newborn Elephant Struggling to stand because of the whole herd wanting to do  so.


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    • Ben Barnes

      It is beautiful to watch the New Born Baby Elephant and his entire family putting their best efforts to help the baby to stand, just an unique video. Love it.

      • Gerard Piqué

        The baby is way to weak and   it needs more time to think about it.

        • Elizabeth Daniels ( Shakira )

          I want to buy a large farm and grow Elephants so they don't go extinct ever. I love this video because it touch my heart seen the Baby trying to stand and Mom and  Grandma lifting it with their trumps. These are amazing hours of video

          • Adele

            I'm amazed when I seen this group and search for the way I could say how happy I'm at this moment from learning much closer to Elephants. Thank You for posting these questions and allowing everyone to say their opinions.
            I can understand the Baby's Grandma and Mom because they are worry about their strict job of making the baby strong and it is a must for the baby, so he or she can survive.

            • Saweetie
              Comment by owner

              I tell You what I think after watching this Baby Elephant video..  I think the Elephants instincts are all about making sure the new member prevails and grows to produce other members, yes it is kind of a life circle. Elephants feel and think every thing that keeps them safe, they know what is best for the whole species.

              • Kelley Jakle

                I think those Elephants are freaking up because their DNA has a worrying information concerning baby Elephants being eaten by predators like Lions, Leopards, Tigers etc. They must get the new little elephant to stand and walk as soon as possible as protection mode for preserving the species. I mean, that's my opinion and I could be wrong too.