Paternity And Love

Some people believe that the love that a mother feels for her child cannot be compared to the love that a father could feel for him. They say that a woman's life changes, her body changes, she sacrifices every little nutrient she has to offer it to the baby. That is all physically ok, but the paternity meaning is just as much too! What they don't understand is that the type of love of a mother and a father can become different, never inferior. Those people do not understand that man's body is also transformed, his mind is never the same again. They do not understand that, while the mother dedicates herself to caring for her son, helping him to survive, the father dedicates himself body and soul to helping them both so that, in this fight, they do not lack anything. The mother begins her battle: to be the best mother in the world. The father starts his own battle: take care of them. And so the long working days begin, the sleepless nights looking for better alternatives to build a better future, the mental and even physical absenteeism, betting everything on work, because deep down he knows that, at that moment, it is the best way he can find. to combat their fears. Because being a father entails the same goal: the mother eternally cares for her children, the father eternally cares for his whole family.
Some people don't understand that, within parenthood, there is NO COMPETITION but only LOVE. 

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