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    • John Deere
      John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
      What do you most value most in your friends? Companionship? Humor? Loyalty? Availability? Fun? Well, I value trust the most. I want friends who I can trust because I basically share my life with them and I do not want friends who are not trustworthy. Friends will have each others backs through ups and downs, but in the end, real true friends will still there, no matter what.
      • John Deere
        John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
        We ate at Grumpy's BBQ restaurant tonight for dinner, and we both had the Big Grumpy Cheeseburger. it was a half-pound of fresh ground beef on a gourmet bun with onion and pepper jack cheese, french fries and a sweet tea.However, for starters, the hamburger was not fresh beef because it tasted like a mushy patty. This is the kind of burger patty that you would buy out of a box that has been frozen from a generic bargain store. After starting to eat this #burger, I decided to flavor it by putting ketchup and mustard on it, but no it was still flavorless. I added salt and pepper. Still, nope, nothing at all. I managed to eat most of the nasty Grumpy burger. The fries were for the most part okay, nothing to brag about, but better than the sandwich. My wife was not as lucky. She did not eat as much as I did. So, this was the 2nd and the last time that we are going to eat at #Grumpys. I know now why it is called Grumpy's, because when you leave you are grumpy from the food...I would not eve
        • John Deere
          John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
          Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass, either way.
          • John Deere
            John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
            Just came from the Kroger grocery store, where I heard yet another small town parent psychologically scarring their child for life. The clerk commented on what an adorable little man the dad had (referring to the youngest boy), and, looking at his two kids, he replied, "Yeah, but I'm afraid he's going be a lot shorter and smaller than his big brother." There's another big KA-CHING for some Psychiatrist in the future. So happy my only sibling is a sister, and we are way too different to ever be compared by our parents or anybody else. #smh
            • John Deere
              John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
              Five truckers eating breakfast this morning and one of them said, "I will buy breakfast since you all bought me dinner all throughout the year. He then tells the waitress to bring him the bill. She brings him the bill and he gets all shook to pieces and exclaims, " GAWD DANG WHAT THE HELL DID YA'LL ORDER!!!!. We almost fell out of our seats laughing our butts he don't do that again! Buha hahaha Yep, he sure had a Maalox Moment. 😄
              • John Deere
                John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                In 1974 Big John Sr was in his early 20s when he enlisted in the US Army. They asked him what he was good at. He told them he could drive anything with wheels so they taught him to drive & work on trucks & recover military vehicles..he left & took those skills climbed in the cabs of many trucks & started trucking coast to coast & top to bottom inside outside in the USA. He burned the highways up along with many other truly hardcore truckers, even when there and it was no a/c or heat in extreme weather! John is retiring this year. I love listening to him tell old timer stories about the way it use to be.
                • John Deere
                  John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                  Humidity included, it is 145° F degrees in a most of of California, but only 65° F degrees in Chicago, IL...I am now thinking we will be extending our Chicago vacation for another week to see the best iconic Chicago attractions, venues and historical spots! Navy Pier today, Millennium Park tonight, & museums tomorrow!
                  • John Deere
                    John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                    Lights on, I see the face, she eat me up, she has got too e😜ensive of taste. I see you dreaming but you are still awake...big slices using all devices that's how you cut your cake. Gluttony. Greed.
                    • John Deere
                      John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                      I am listening to music while reading and studying for my last Final Exam then it's Summer Vacation Woot! First I listened to my Beetles album, now listening to God Smack by Alice in Chains \m/ lol
                      • John Deere
                        John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                        Todd Pletcher said after the horse race their reason to run Princess of Sylmar again at Santa Anita . NIKE Shoes SALE . Game Of Thrones Season 3 . Sam Fuld . How High . Steam . Skype . Xbox Titan fall
                        • John Deere
                          John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                          Best Top DJ DJs available for bookings for any Clubs Weddings Parties Private Events & More! We offer over 800,000 songs, any genre of music & now offer KARAOKE! REASONABLE RATES & NEGOTIABLE PRICES!
                          • John Deere
                            John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                            "The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit" – #Olympics Charter
                            • John Deere
                              John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                              Back when I went to school they never cancelled over wind chills! We were tough & our parents kicked our booties right on out the door to these days wouldn't have lasted back then lol
                              • John Deere
                                John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                Was starving & pour a bowl of cereal. 1/3 of the way I'm stuffed. I think to myself, I'll just eat a bit more instead of wasting it. 1/2 thru, I'm starving again. I downed the rest & am stuffed again!
                                • John Deere
                                  John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                  Spent a whole night playing World Of Warcraft I tried to get my character to 40 and was about to hit 39 by turning in quests and had to log out because two Alliance members were kinda bullying me.
                                  • John Deere
                                    John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                    Okay I guess it's finally time to get my last minute Christmas Shopping done I still needs gifts for my Bros and my Uncle Drew !
                                    • John Deere
                                      John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                      My iPhone keeps switching time zones. Woke up at "6:10" & since the news was on, started freaking out. Showered, dressed, & ran to the car only to find out it was 5:10. Time for Taco Bell dinner.
                                      • John Deere
                                        John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                        I have been lied to about many things. But one lie I cannot tolerate is when someone tells me it is mayonnaise when it's really salad dressing.. that's just so wrong on so many levels!
                                        • John Deere
                                          John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                          I'm thankful for my otter box that not only protects my mobile phone, but also protects my bank account. I am a clutz by nature and would be on my 5th iPhone by now without this amazing invention.
                                          • John Deere
                                            John Deere posted to Statuses & Comments
                                            Maybe its the way she walked. Straight into my heart & stole it thru doors & past tguards just like she already owned it. I said, Can u give it back to me? She said, Never in your wildest dreams!

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