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    • Destiny Nordstrom
      The next Supernatural season does not begin until October, so time to find a new TV show til then...hmmm, what will it beee??? 😄
      • Destiny Nordstrom
        I never underestimate anybody and I show gentleness and love to all. Life takes many turns, and I always see the heart of the people because this is what really matters most.
        • Destiny Nordstrom
          Things are just now beginning to fall into place after one dozen years, however the time is very crucial !!
          • Destiny Nordstrom
            Fried mushrooms from what I collected from mushroom hunting on my double-cheese St. Louis style pizza and an ice cold Schmidt's drink on a warm Spring day in the low 80s ...umm, yeah this girl's nice and sassy right about now! I choose happiness and peace. I am not going to allow negative energy to knock me off my square. I do not need the validation of anyone. I know who I am and my worth. Have a happy last week of Lent and Easter everyone!!!!
            • Destiny Nordstrom
              I have a new cast iron skillet that I think is magically epic. Other than with bacon I never cooked hash browns in a skillet because they need to be cooked to exact crunchiness or I won't touch them. My new frying pan just nailed these tator shreds Lol And, now I REALLY want to buy a brand new cast iron biscuit cooker and dutch oven cookware!
              • Destiny Nordstrom
                I wish that pets lived much longer, that cake and fried foods had no calories, and that everything for sale was always discounted on sale like on Black Friday in November.
                • Destiny Nordstrom
                  It is not unusual for e😜ats to romanticize about their home countries at times. To imagine that life would be so much more perfect at “home”, even when in fact it is important to remember that there are so many ways we feel frustrated and alienated and even lonely no matter where we are....even when we are in our original home countries. Home is where the heart is.
                  • Destiny Nordstrom
                    Sometimes we are not where we want or doing what we want and it is very easy to think of the discouragement and defeat, but God has promised to satisfy the yearning of our hearts, and he said that the life of the righteous man is always on the rise. I've e😜erienced that in the most difficult moments in my life is just when God manifests itself in ways amazing. He is faithful and his love is perfect as he is perfect, nothing moves if it's not by your will and everything has a purpose. Each of us has a unique and specific purpose, something that no one else will ever came to realize... When we understand and Believe this, envy, frustration, anxiety and lack of purpose in our lives is over. Just follow our hearts and develop the skills that God gave you. For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts of good and not of evil, to give you an e😜ected end. Find this at: (Jeremiah 29:11)
                    • Destiny Nordstrom
                      Nobody knows the true value of what you have, until it is actually a half down the drain in the middle of the night. That is why, don't underestimate your socks; find a match for the one who left alone can be extremely difficult.
                      • Destiny Nordstrom
                        I just made a big batch of homemade tomato salsa with fresh tomatoes, onion, green pepper, mushrooms, herbs de provence for a chicken, basil, sage, garlic, rosemary, thyme, some fresh chives, salt and pepper. I made 8 snack size bags of it. I love when my vegetable and herb gardens are ready for harvest. My freezer is so full of fresh things, just waiting to be reheated. I will not need to do any big-time heavy duty shopping for at least 2 months!
                        • Destiny Nordstrom
                          I usually don't ask for things for my birthday, but this year is different! This year I want framed pictures of me with people I have spent my life and made memories with. I don't care what size photo, and the frame can be a 50 cent rummage sale frame for all I care! I want to hang all these photographs on my walls and be surrounded by all the people who have shared in my life! And if you don't have a pic of us together and there should be one, contact me, we can take some selfies and have a new memory to share. I want to celebrate love, life and happy memories!
                          • Destiny Nordstrom
                            I have been cooking on and off most of the day. Pizza Lasagna, Rib Eye Steak Strips , and Cheesy Meat Loaf Muffins are made ahead and now I am baking Peanut Butter Cookies and Chocolate Fudge Brownies. We will see how long they last before Sunday Dinner tomorrow at Noon. Oh, also marinating zucchini, yellow squash, red onions, red peppers, yellow peppers, fresh brussel sprouts, asparagus and baby portabellas for grilling kabobs tomorrow. Happy weekend, everyone!
                            • Destiny Nordstrom
                              Enjoying the beautiful day without rain in awhile. My brother-in-law Tim is cleaning my gutters that had trees growing out of them after all the whir-lies this spring. What a glorious Monday!
                              • Destiny Nordstrom
                                The new age times and society have a new set of rules. They believe things are okay in this age because society feels they are okay. However, our Creator's rules do not change no matter what society thinks because He is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow, and for eternity! Choose who you follow wisely folks, mere men or the One who created man.
                                • Destiny Nordstrom
                                  I watched a Lifetime movie called THE GRIM SLEEPER for the second time. It is what made me first take notice of the actress Macy Gray. Her performance is very real and grounded as the sole survivor of a lunatic in South Central LA. I had forgotten how gripping and ultimately intriguing this based on a true story film was until tonight. I'm glad I turned on Lifetime Movie Network tonight and got to re-e😜erience it!
                                  • Destiny Nordstrom
                                    I was sorta of bummed out to discover that I would actually have to pay for lemons until I turned around to see an avocado tree with around thirty little baby avocados growing that I had never seen before. I didn't even know that it was a fruit tree until today! Oh, and my yard is over-flowing with zucchini, tomatoes and cucumbers to boot! My God is awesome God indeed ! Lesson learned, to always remain in a constant state of gratitude
                                    • Destiny Nordstrom
                                      There's literally no better feeling than loving someone with all you have inside of you, and also KNOWING that you are loved just as much by them. I am a happy and very lucky woman because I have TWO greatest God and my Husband on earth. Happy Valentine's Day!
                                      • Destiny Nordstrom
                                        Hope it is not the Covid 19!! Life is definitely like a box of chocolates when you are pretty positive you are dying so your best friend ever makes you hot tea with honey so you can actually talk without being in pain. Now for the random heat and cold flashes and the body aching to go away. Yeah, she takes good care of me when I'm dying of the flu.
                                        • Destiny Nordstrom
                                          Momma always said you can get glad in those same britches you got mad in. This is one of my favorite sayings because it sums up our generation of just dealing with whatever comes our way. The generation today does not have this same trait so they really have a hard time when things are not perfect and going their way. Adjustment and coping does not even seem to be in their vocabularies! So sad.
                                          • Destiny Nordstrom
                                            I am not a person who will lie to you just to save your feelings. I would rather be that person that you know will be completely honest with you, whether it be criticism or to boost you up. Honesty is best, no lies.

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