Food Network With Easy Cooking Recipes Natural Whole Foods Vs Canned Food

Man Vs. Food ~ Differences Between Canned Foods & Fresh Food ... Natural Whole Foods Vs Canned Food
If people don't eat, their bodies will deteriorate fast till death for a malnutrition ( a lack of proper nutrition) and lack of energy to keep alive and living.
Vegetables or Veggies to Keep the Immune System Strong
Eating is an activity that we people do usually two to three times a day, usually even more. We live in a big world where there is a diverse variety of foods from every place worldwide. We make the decisions of what we will consume, how much we eat daily, and how it will affect our human bodies. I am about to give you precious information about the differences between eating fresh foods compared to canned foods. The threes main differences are the health benefits, the food flavors, and the food costs. Most canned foods lose some of the original food nutrients when stored in a can, and will also contain many preservatives and chemical factors that prolong the shelf, and these can become toxic to our bodies if consumed too often. Fresh foods have great flavor and taste because they keep all their natural original conditions. However, canned food lacks much of its flavor since there are some other chemical products added to the once original natural foods. It's logical to think that the fresh foods will have a better flavor and taste when eaten. More differences between these 2 types of foods is the cost! the convenient canned foods are much more expensive than fresh foods. They are convenient because they are easier to find in a grocery store instead of the organic farmers market, they require less work to prepare than fresh foods, just open and serve them or cook them more quickly. It all comes down to personal choice & depends on the time a person has, the money and the importance of health to them and their lifestyle. Sometimes, people can also find canned good on sale for cheap, and coupons make the prices even cheaper. It all depends on many factors, then.

Time is money, but is hurting your health money too? It really can be complicated. For example, if I was to make a chicken pot pie and wanted to save time by using canned veggies to avoid all the hours of chopping vegetables (veggies)...maybe the saved time would relieve stress and make me healthier being stress-free ( especially if you get the canned goods foods on sale cheaper )?!

    • Gino

      I never eat anything that comes in a commercial can. I wait if I'm hungry and when go back home, I eat fruits and vegetables, natural foods only.

      • Marley Rose

        Food is something healthy like fruits and veggies together, and as a matter of fact, I think that both the vegetables and fruits should be blended as a drink with ice, it tastes great with some lime or lemon and sugar to the taste.

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