Saint Nicholas Facts About Santa

Saint Nicholas Facts About Santa

Saint Nicholas Santa Claus History Facts and Origin

There comes a time in most every child's life when their parents tell their children a lie, or at least a huge bit of misinformation. They tell them there is no Santa Claus. Many parents do this In order to try to introduce their children to the truth in life. Many christians do this so that their children will know that Jesus is the real reason for the season and that Christmas is a Christian holiday. But what they don't realize is that Santa Claus was a very real person, although he is long dead now and others carry on his work. The real Santa Claus, before he was Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children, Was Nicholas of bari, a snall remote village in the region of Myra in Asia Minor in the 4th century A.D.  Nicholas was a Bishop and the impoverished village's spiritual advisor, as well as adding to his own meager income by working as the village woodcutter. Nicholas took very seriously his it is Christian vows to give aid to the poor, for it was said that he would often deliver supplies to the hungry and needy of the village, leaving the food and supplies at their door anonymously.    He was particularly known for providing toys to the villages children, particularly me during the Winter when children had to stay inside because of the snow. The deliveries of the supplies continued Until Saint Nicholas ( Santa Claus real name ) died on December 6th 343 AD.  So it was assumed that he was the one who was making the visits every December the 24th, And since his charitable Burke became so engrained in the lore of the region,  People paid tribute to the Bishop by carrying on his charitable tradition in his name. The tradition grew and groove, until most children were receiving toys on Christmas Eve in a visit that was attributed to the spirit of Nicholas. The real Nicholas sabari was canonized by Pope Eugejean as the patron Saint of children in 1446, and ever since, children hang their stockings on Christmas Eve.  Why?  Well, although I  Don't remember ever getting one myself, I do remember my grandparents and several other older people talking about getting an Orange in their stocking.   Now at the time I thought it was just because they were poor, but as the years have passed I have discovered that even That custom has a deeply rooted tradition having to do with Saint Nicholas. It is said that in order to protect the pride of the people in the village and to protect his own animity, he would leave his gifts of food and supplies anonymously. There are several versions of the legend which say that he would Scale the roof and drop The gifts down the chimney rather than presenting them. There is a story That says he once heard of 3 daughters of a poor farmer that were about to be sold into slavery because their father could not afford a marriage dowry for them.. Saint Nicholas decided to save the daughters with gifts of gold. Rather than presenting the gold , he tossed it down the chimney, and it fell into a stocking that was hung up to dry.  That is why right up until this day in many countries call, scores of children will receive an Orange or a tangerine in their stocking that represents a lump of gold. So there you have it. I know it was a mouthful and an eye full to read.But I feel it's important for everyone to know that although Santa Claus may not be living today, the charitable work that he began and the spirit of kindness that he inspired in early times continues to this day. Not everybody goes around driving a sleigh And wearing a red suit, but whenever someone is kind to another person or gives a gift for No reason, That is Santa Claus, for it pays tribute to the work of Saint Nicholas of Bari.   So parents, I'm not telling you how to do your work, but when your children ask you if there is a real Santa Claus, I suggest you tell this story and let them know that he is no longer living, but that his work goes on around the world. So, is st nicholas santa real you ask? The answer is YES!

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