328 N Seminary St In Princeton Indiana Haunted House


I used to live in a big brown 2-story haunted house at 328 N Seminary St in Princeton Indiana in the early 1980's. I was around 12 at the time and the home always had this extremely unsettling feeling of never being able to fully relax. My parents went out to eat one night and it was just me at the house. It was normal to hear little creaks or knocks. But I started hearing loud footsteps throughout the kitchen area and I was in the living room watching tv. I got quite spooked and turned the tv  off and went outside to play with the neighbor kid. It got darker out so I went in and walked into the kitchen to get some food and drink and as I was looking in the fridge I heard a HUGE SLAM! I looked back by the sink and saw the cabinet door was open and the knob had hit the cabinet beside it and it hit hard enough that several items fell out. I ran outta the house and called my mom from the next door neighbor's. My stepdad used to had a tv in the extra bedroom upstairs along with some storage boxes. One evening I went downstairs to grab a drink and as I started walking back up the stairs I heard that tv in the storage room FLIP ON and it had that staticy screen going. Keep in mind that this tv was never plugged in but just being stored there! I high tailed it up to my bedroom, locked the door, turned all my lamps on, and turned on music to block out that tv sound. I looked the following morning and tv was off and still unplugged, asked mom if anyone had been in there then and she said nope so I did not bother telling her what happened this time. Another time during the day I was heading to the basement which had a single light bulb in the center. You had to walk like 15 feet just to turn the light on. I didn’t feel anything strange at the time so I went into the basement to look for something. As I turned on the light I started looking and after a minute I heard a male voice growling, “ turn it off and go now! “. Needless to say I ran upstairs and never went down there again. There have been PLENTY more very strange things happen in that house but I’m so glad I don’t live there anymore is all I can say lol. It just never felt right at all and even though I never actually saw ghosts, I will still never ever forget that place. Sometimes wish I lived closer to find out more of Princeton IN history time because the historical society has very little info.

    • John Deere

      Spooky but very interesting!!!!

      • LeAnne Smith

        Certainly haunted. I'd have been sleeping in a tent in the back yard after all of that business!

        • Ronald Robinson

          Makes my blood run cold but is an awesome creepy story! Did your parents ever say they had experiences there as well??  So glad you had moved also.

          • Santos Avila

            My stepdad never brought it up or would say anything about it so I'm unsure about him. My mom had a few instances of her own that are very strange as well. She just wouldn’t talk about it that much. I only remember mom telling her friend on the phone about how her metal clothes hangers kept clanging together in her closet at night (those days they were metal not plastic).

            • Kathy Miller Smith

              Yikes, so scary! Thank you so much for sharing your experience!!

              • Ryan Torres

                I heard that almost everything in the state of Indiana is hunted already, because there were too many tribes of Indians and they did their magic business. It is actually scary stuff, you never know if it is a kind ghost or an evil demon of seduction and violence trying to get out and used your body and soul.

                • Brandon Lee Rogers

                  I will go there with lots of friends, never alone.

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