Do You See Ghost At Old Man's Cave Here In Ohio?

Do you see ghost at Old Man's Cave here in Ohio?
This is my extremely inquisitive 4 yr old daughter. I took this on Sunday at Old Man's Cave here in Ohio. 
Before you "nay sayers" get on here & "it's just the sun beam" me to death, I understand it's a sun beam that I captured..  it's the heart in the center that caught my attention. 
Old Man's Cave in Ohio
There is an old man ghost standing there, it is very creepy stuff.

    • Gino

      I think what I see right now in this photo is something like the camera lens reflect light caused by daylight from the sun. Sorry, I don't see any ghost in there.

      • Kimberly Guilfoyle

        That's a nice place to spend with family and friends, a good trip and very affordable.
        No, I can'r see anything you are asking here, I also see some people walking around there.

        • Louis Douglas

          I see that set of circles right where that man is walking away, the circles probable is caused by natural lights.

          • Angie Anderson

            No, I don't but, I will say that it has something weird going on around that place in Ohio.

            • Tara Dahoe

              That's nice to travel and see interesting places like that.
              I BELIEVE YOU!!!! My aunt got a feather at the foot of her husbands bed while home for hospice after praying to his guardian Angel to guide him peacefully to Heaven. I has been a year, and she still receive them. Sometimes an actual feather, a feather cloud (she said).

              • Neilyn Carruyo Soto

                A TV would be bright. I actually had to lighten the picture so if it is a TV then I'd say it's likely to be a reflection of an apparition looks like a young man in white T a tight white.

                • Josue Solis

                  Yes, I saw that much clearer in your version of it. The shape around it just looks like a television to me.

                  • News Update

                    I think people should visit that place more because it has a kind of positive energy and when they go home a feeling of satisfaction is carry with them, like a mind relaxed or so. I never heard about that ghost of an old man.

                    • Novoa Richard

                      First of all, I am so very sorry for your loss! I so understand what you are saying. I have an entire collection of white feathers that “came to me” after my mom passed away. Most of them were in the center of the welcome mat at my front door. 

                      • Jessica A. Garcia

                        I wholeheartedly believe it's a loved one. My sister who passed in 2019, her biological mommy who passed in Dec 2021, My m.i.l who passed Jan this year, or another guardian keeping her safe. I'm 1000% a believer so my heart tells me it's so.

                        • Marry A Hernandez

                          It happens when your heart tells you, that’s how you know! It’s that simple.

                          • Stacey A Banton

                            Your husband was most definitely there with you all.. fabulous!

                            • Kimberley Tanner Canova

                              Definitely a Heart. That’s Awesome. You captured a Beautiful Sign from someone. Probably a Loved one. Blessings to you.

                              • Jena S. Hall

                                I don't see anything supernatural or else in this photo., sorry

                                • Sara Paxton

                                  Hocking hills is such a beautiful place. I am also from Ohio. I love the heart that was captured.
                                  I love it! Such a precious sign! Embrace it!

                                  • Ayla Reynolds

                                    Spirits can communicate with us in so many different ways through nature and many other ways too. Yes it may be just a sunbeam or it could be a message of love from the other side. What do you believe.

                                    • Ava Anderson

                                      I think when it comes to Nay-sayers, I see their point- to a point. I am a believer, and I hang onto hope constantly seeking signs from my love boyfriend (he died 6 years ago). However, in order to continue to believe in the reality of life after death, I need to be realistic about what is explainable by natural means and what is not, I need to be sure I am differentiating, because it feels to me that if I don't do that, I am chipping away at the real evidence and credibility. I am a science-person, by education and career. Science looks to explain. And it is my view that if it can be explained, it should be. I don't personally see that as negativity, as long as it is objective. Facts are neither positive nor negative, they simple are. That still leaves a whole lot of room for that which cant be explained by science, and which may be perceived as evidence of something else.
                                      For instance, your photo. Yes, I would agree that it is the rays of the sun or a reflection, not something supernatural. On the other hand, the heart is another matter. That could be coincidence-- or NOT. And coincidence, in my view, is not always a random thing. What appears as random may well be something intentional that we simply don't have the science to explain yet. I have many examples of such things in my own life.
                                      That said, we are not all walking the same Path, and don't all view thee occurrences the same way. It is not a kindness to constantly point out to others that what they are seeing as "signs" are just natural explainable events. Grief and acceptance are very difficult to navigate and they impact us in ways the outside World can't always see. The mind has a way of protecting us from what we are emotionally unprepared to handle. From a standpoint of compassion, I personally think it best to be very cautious about forcing realities onto people who are not yet ready to hear or see them. Our Spirituality is our own path and ours alone.

                                      • Brooklyn Green

                                        Turn the picture upside down. In the beam there is a girl with dark hair. Hopefully others can see her. L+L

                                        • Julia Garner

                                          Someone was visiting with your girl (or whoever is in the background ).
                                          I hope she felt their love around him at that moment.

                                          • Gracie Fields

                                            I'm still waiting to see a real ghost because your picture doesn't have any, sorry.

                                            • Joanna Barnes

                                              There are more bubbles in the picture but I wouldn't doubt that you loved ones aren't there with you always. I wish to target a cute ghost sometime.

                                              • Demi Hale

                                                Yes and also look closely where the girls mouth should be. I see a little boy, Very angelic vibes with this x.

                                                • Christine L Leitgeb

                                                  I believe you there is a hidden old man ghost in the image shown. The thing is that many Americans say they don't believe in unnatural stuff, and they deny to listen ghost stories. Now, they love to talk about Big Foot at te forest, space aliens and planetary aliens beings.

                                                  • Denise Koncz

                                                    I want to visit that cave and try figure it out! Maybe I will see a ghost of that man.

                                                    • Alison Rutty

                                                      I really want to make that trip, after saving some money for the expenses.

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