Goodreads Website to Read Books and Comment About Them

Goodreads Website to Read Books and Comment About Them.
Best Fiction, Romance, Science Fiction, Mystery & Thriller, Nonfiction, Humor, Fantasy, Best Young Adult Fiction, Best Historical Fiction.

    • News Update

      This is an Amazon site, this means that the only purpose of that store online is to sell as many books as possible. The main interest is to deliver digital books thru their electronic devices for their customers to read while they are somewhere else other than their own homes or at school and college. All about older and newer books from publishers worldwide.
      Some of the main categories of those books available at their stores online are: Action and Adventure.
      Comic Book or Graphic Novel, Detective and Mystery, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Horror and Literary Fiction.

      • Clinton Crisp

        I agree with this book, it is a very good interesting literature and it enriches the  knowledge to the readers.

        • Neilyn Carruyo Soto

          Goodreads is still missing a lot of great books and I don't think they care. That company is moving torch the digital and sound books because they get to keep better profits leaving regular book authors lost in the road to success.

          • Jenny Slate

            I've been a member of that website for a while already, I'm OK because sometimes I login and spend time reading their posts about good books to read.

            • Heidi Morgan

              Some websites were meat to be a trap for readers and they practically force people to buy worthless books. I think goodreads is one of those.

              • Justice Dalton

                Goodreads won awards for a reason and it seems that they are the same of the world's most famous shopping online store.

                • Breanna Chester

                  I not even know they existed! I always go to the library and find my bes books to read, never mind becoming a paid member for that books website.

                  • Ivana Love Watson

                    I think Boolikes and Goodreads are to sites designed to catch readers around the world for the only purpose of selling them books, that only means they are book sellers. I rather buying my own books personally at the nearest bookstore and hold those books  on my hands while reading them.

                    • J.d. Elo

                      It is hard to forget about great reading books, it is a very special moment enjoying good books.

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