The Unexplained

In the past I worked Home health and hospice for 11 years. I saw many things I can’t explain, the explained persay. Had more than a few in my personal life. The fine lady I am going to tell you about was one of my Sunday school teachers and a lady I had known as a teenager too. Her husband ( also a fine man) was a deacon of the church. One day this lady and I were talking. I teased her about me being the “ problem child ” in her class. She said she wanted to tell me a story about something that had happened to her years ago. She said the story made a lot of people including her husband uncomfortable. So, she stopped telling people, but she was confident I would understand. This lady and her husband had done many jobs for the church. Back when her kids were preteens and teenagers they were stationed in Kansas City. Her husband had been on a trip for the church and was coming home. She was heading to the airport to pick him up alone since the kids were in school. She approached a four way stop with traffic lights. There was a bus stop on her right with about 10 people waiting. The light had turned green for her when a car ran the red light from the other direction. A big truck coming towards her swerved to miss the car, but that put it in her lane. She said time slowed. If she swerved to the right she would hit ten people. If she stayed put the truck would hit her head on. She said her last choice was to stomp the gas, swerve left to miss the truck and people. But that would head her straight into a stand of trees near the corner. She swerved left, stomped the gas and closed her eyes because she just knew she was about to die. She said the next thing she knew she felt like she had been hit in the face with a pillow. This was pre- airbag days! So, no airbag. Suddenly people were yelling a yanking open her car door to get her out. She opened her eyes and checked herself out. No injuries! The she looked and there was a tree where her engine usually sat. People were calling out and looking under the car, in the back seat, everywhere. They asked where her passenger was? !!! She told them she was alone. No! The people from the bus stop told her they SAW a man in the passengers seat as she went by them. They all agreed there was a man in the passengers seat, they saw his face and continued looking for him. Although they couldn’t find any injuries they insisted she go to the hospital because they couldn’t believe she was uninjuried! Someone collected her husband and brought him to the hospital. They checked her out but couldn’t find any injuries. She told her husband what the people said about her passenger. He asked if she had hit her head? She told him, “ I didn’t see ANYBODY! The bus stop people did! He had her checked again! Lol! She told me,” Debbie, I should have been DEAD! I must have been going 60 mph when I hit that tree but I didn’t have a scratch! There was a TREE nearly in my lap! But I didn’t have not one scratch! All those people swore to the police they saw a man in my passengers seat. What do you think happened?” I told her that I believed she had her guardian angel riding with her that day. And God had more work for her! She said her husband refused to talk about that day after that, but she thought about it pretty often. And she wondered why he, a deacon, had such a hard time with this event. I told her that like a lot of people it’s easier to believe in guardian angels or God’s work in theory than to believe it in actual practice. And he didn’t know how to handle the knowledge it could actually happen. In truth both she and her husband did a lot of important work both for and through the church after this incident. Very fine and Godly people. I am glad she felt better after telling me her story knowing that I believed her. She was a wonderful friend.

    • Michele m. Kardash

      I certainly believe it was a guardian angel. In the early 90s and not long since I had passed my driving test, I went to go pick up my my boyfriend who had lived 5 mile away. I used my dad's car to go pick him up, I chose the slightly longer route as it was dark and the road would be a lot quieter, as I turned left into another even narrower lane I heard a males voice saying "slow down" I looked at my speed and i wasn't even doing the speed limit, so I duly slowed down, it was a windy lane so I couldn't see straight down the lane ahead of me, again, this voice said "slow down" but more authoritative, so I crawling along this lane and next thing I hear is "STOP" very loud, I slammed on the brake just as I was turning a bend in the lane, just in time to miss a black car without it's light's on come flying around the corner on my side of the lane, it swerved just in time to avoid my car, I sat there for a few seconds, quite shook up at what had just nearly happened, I managed to pick up my boyfriend and he drove us both back to my parent's house, I believe I had a guardian angel that night also!

      • Mary Binkley

        No doubt if there was someone sitting on the passenger sit seen by the bus passengers, then it is true. Even if that was a ghost. Either ways, this is an interesting story.

        • Karla

          The world is full of surprises, some people get to enjoy good luck and some just don't. My opinion it was something great.

          • Elissavet Lemoni

            The good thing is that you have it all in a way we can understand easy about your story.

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