Mary Ellis


Live in Texas always going on smoothly for me. I love it and I won't change my state ever. I love Dallas, Laredo and the desert arid areas with cactus.

Insurance CompanyGeico Insurance
Date Today
Preferred Color #A41919
List of Hobbies

Swimming, Singing, Reading, Dancing, Travelling,

ProfessionReal estate Business woman
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    • Mary Ellis
      I seriously need some girl time. But all of my friends are staying too busy adulting. Yeah, grown up life is boring sometimes. I must be a complete lame because after 3 days off, I truly can't wait to go back to work tomorrow!
      • Mary Ellis
        I really love my life right now. I have the time to take care of myself in every way that I need, I have the funds to do so, I have the time to put my focus and energy into my passions and real purpose , I’m attracting and meeting people in alignment with what I want to do and that can push me forward. I wake up every morning happy about where I’m at and even more ecstatic about where I’m going. It’s such a good place to be especially verses where I’ve been. I am so grateful. My heart is full and I don’t take a single second for granted.
        • Mary Ellis
          Full moons are always changing my chemistry. Sometimes I forget to prepare for the big ones and get all messed up for weeks and this is happening ugh
          • Mary Ellis
            Mary Ellis posted to Statuses & Comments
            I seriously need some girl time. But all of my friends are staying too busy adulting. Yeah, grown up life is boring sometimes. I must be a complete lame because after 3 days off, I truly can't wait to go back to work tomorrow!
            • Mary Ellis
              Mary Ellis posted to Statuses & Comments
              I really love my life right now. I have the time to take care of myself in every way that I need, I have the funds to do so, I have the time to put my focus and energy into my passions and real purpose , I’m attracting and meeting people in alignment with what I want to do and that can push me forward. I wake up every morning happy about where I’m at and even more ecstatic about where I’m going. It’s such a good place to be especially verses where I’ve been. I am so grateful. My heart is full and I don’t take a single second for granted.
              • Mary Ellis
                What Is The Best Way To Cut Expenses? One day when I was lying in bed wide awake in the middle of the night trying to think of ways to cut expenses. I decided to turn our hot water heater off and turn it back on the day before we want to...
                • Mary Ellis
                  Mary Ellis provided an answer for the question What’s Your Yearly Salary and Monthly Rent?
                  They could get that info anyway if they really wanted to. If someone doesn’t want to attempt to come in my house uninvited. Whoever does will go out in a body bag. 
                  • Mary Ellis
                    Mary Ellis joined the group Frugal Living For You
                    • Mary Ellis
                      Mary Ellis posted to Statuses & Comments
                      Full moons are always changing my chemistry. Sometimes I forget to prepare for the big ones and get all messed up for weeks and this is happening ugh
                      • Mary Ellis
                        Mary Ellis provided an answer for the question Any Super Easy Dinner Ideas
                        I just went through a similar situation. everything you said happened to me. I feel your pain. With blood clots, you should try not to move about too much until the Doctor tells you the clot is gone. If you must cook, do beans and rice, a pot of...
                        • Mary Ellis
                          Mary Ellis commented on the file Stir Fried Mushrooms Dish
                          This dish of food looks delicious, irresistible good.
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