Alba Sandino


Just very smart and cute.
A good General manager is always busy working.

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ProfessionGeneral Manager administrative Dept.
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    • Alba Sandino
      Just a warning. When you forget and ask Alexa something with a mouthful of food, you will either get a very curt response or she'll not respond until randomly hours later, because she assumes you are being facetious. Thanks so much, Alexa, for waking me up early on my only day off this week by answering a question I asked you several hours ago. I appreciate that. Now I can't get back to sleep. My kitties, on the other hand, are sawing high timber.
      • Alba Sandino
        I thought I was safe..I went to a Mexican restaurant- They were hitting on my friends (the pretty white girls) No, they don't like hispanic chicks.. They get enough of that. Ooooh no, I was wrong. Some grimy dude grabbed my hand as I was trying to pay for my meal. Wtf?? He refused to give me my money unless I held his.. I don't care if they think it's meaningless flirting! I hate how they harrass women there! Grrr
        • Alba Sandino
          You all better stop Effin with people all Willy nilly . You don’t know what kind of protective energy they have surrounding them. You don’t know who they guides are , who’s praying for them, what they have going for themselves. Mess around and mess yourself up trying to get over on the wrong folk . Some of us are PRO….TEC…TED and chosen just being alive and walking this earth. I’m just saying mind your manners.
          • Alba Sandino
            Alba Sandino commented on Am I the only person...
            I feel like it should've been 10 episodes instead of 8 and the monster looked dialed back for children... however, I did enjoy it. It was cute. I think the first four episodes really grasped the Dark and Goth aesthetics but the character development...Read more
            • Alba Sandino
              Alba Sandino commented on My Daddy is in a...
              Sending healing vibes your way!!
              • Alba Sandino
                Alba Sandino posted to Statuses & Comments
                Just a warning. When you forget and ask Alexa something with a mouthful of food, you will either get a very curt response or she'll not respond until randomly hours later, because she assumes you are being facetious. Thanks so much, Alexa, for waking me up early on my only day off this week by answering a question I asked you several hours ago. I appreciate that. Now I can't get back to sleep. My kitties, on the other hand, are sawing high timber.
                • Alba Sandino
                  Alba Sandino posted to Statuses & Comments
                  I thought I was safe..I went to a Mexican restaurant- They were hitting on my friends (the pretty white girls) No, they don't like hispanic chicks.. They get enough of that. Ooooh no, I was wrong. Some grimy dude grabbed my hand as I was trying to pay for my meal. Wtf?? He refused to give me my money unless I held his.. I don't care if they think it's meaningless flirting! I hate how they harrass women there! Grrr
                  • Alba Sandino
                    Alba Sandino provided an answer for the question Are There Any Tricks To Save Money On Road Trips?
                    Make food to take. Plenty of veggies and sandwiches. Ask the doctors if there are any low cost hotels nearby. And water. And he’s beautiful.
                    • Alba Sandino
                      Alba Sandino posted to Statuses & Comments
                      You all better stop Effin with people all Willy nilly . You don’t know what kind of protective energy they have surrounding them. You don’t know who they guides are , who’s praying for them, what they have going for themselves. Mess around and mess yourself up trying to get over on the wrong folk . Some of us are PRO….TEC…TED and chosen just being alive and walking this earth. I’m just saying mind your manners.
                      • Alba Sandino
                        Alba Sandino commented on the file Medical Insurance Care
                        Hire the best insurance health plan, the reliable car accident insurance and enjoy confidence and assurance.
                        • Alba Sandino
                          Absolutely yes. I had no issues then suddenly needed my gallbladder taken out. My gallbladder surgery didn’t go well and I needed an additional two surgeries after. I also had a week long stay in the hospital and outpatient IV antibiotics. Had I not...
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