Angela Furrh


To me there is a limit in between real things and fake world. I'm real woman when i'm holding my cell phone and taking a selfie because this makes me feel alive and important.
I work just to pay my bills like water, electrical, gas, insurance for the car, food and others. Because i'm very independent and what people around do for a living, that's their problem.
I' m a very busy lawyer office secretary and that's just the beginning, tell you more later.

Insurance CompanyTravelers insurance coverage for my car.
Date Today
Preferred Color #E30202
ProfessionLaw Secretary
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    • Angela Furrh
      Had a little giggle to myself today, I have been thrifting for quite some time. I'm on a fixed income I thrift shopped even when I worked. I wanted to go to the local thrift shops for a look and my Mom decided to come along with me. It was a nice day to go (we walked) at the first thrift shop she found a book she wanted and then to her suprise a merino long sleeved t shirt tag on for $8 then numerous other bits and pieces, needless to say she became a convert, today we had a look at an thrift shop I brought a dress for my daughter a t-shirt for the little boy who is staying with us, and mom found pink cur glass bowls she loved so I brought them for.her for her birthday as well as another little dish I said to her. I felt guilty about a secondhand gift, she said to her it didn't matter that it was second hand, it will be new to her and it was brought with love and was thoughtful, what made me giggle was she got to the counter and said oh you brought the bowls darn it I laughed and told her to act surprised on her birthday I also got a new in the box Kitchen Aid mixer for only $40! #thrifting
      • Angela Furrh
        I walked away from a conversation because the lady asked me to make eye contact with her. I’m over this ridiculous e😜ectation that I make eye contact during conversations and the stupid assumption that I’m not paying attention just because my eyes aren’t locked into the eyes of the person I’m having a conversation with.
          • American Scott

            I glance at people's foreheads and then look to the side, most of the time that gets me by even in work environments. But yeah, I wish it was normalized that I could look at the wall or a houseplant. Realizing that the reason I love people with pets is that no matter what, they are okay with me looking or petting the animal while conversing.

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            • Hannah Baker

              Why would she even do that though. I cannot comprehend an adult demanding eye contact from another adult to have a conversation. Im sorry this happened and Im fucking furious on your behalf!

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            • Angela Furrh
              My friend told me yesterday that they could see a change in my energy when I talk to them and they can tell that I’m genuinely happier. I love it when people can see the change and give me positive feedback because I definitely feel it.
              • Angela Furrh
                I lost the trust for may neighbors and friends out here on the street. To me everybody is contagious, and all because the stupid virus implanted that idea on my brain, this is so sick.
                • Angela Furrh
                  You can’t be scared to double text with me. Because I am the worst texter alive known to man, I sometimes see a message and lie to myself that I will reply later or mentally reply. That second text is the reminder that I need lol.
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