Antionette Keyes

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ProfessionReal Estate Realtor
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    • Antionette Keyes
      A lot of you don’t have an original thought you just regurgitate things you see and hear. An example of this behavior is , you ever look in comments and see somebody say something and then everybody following that one person says the same exact thing. But you didn’t see anyone before that person say it. It’s the sheep mentality. Monkey see, monkey do.
      • Antionette Keyes
        When did Olive Garden start putting cilantro on everything including their spaghetti? UGHHH ... yeah yeah I know, I'm the only person you know who doesn't like cilantro. I do like culantro though, it is much more flavorful and much less bitter.
        • Antionette Keyes
          A lot of you don’t have an original thought you just regurgitate things you see and hear. An example of this behavior is , you ever look in comments and see somebody say something and then everybody following that one person says the same exact thing. But you didn’t see anyone before that person say it. It’s the sheep mentality. Monkey see, monkey do.
          • Antionette Keyes
            He may possibly be insecure, either way its not your fault. To be honest with you, my initial instinctive gut reaction is that he is already making you feel at fault just for being yourself. That smacks of potential issues with manipulation and...Read more
            • Antionette Keyes
              When did Olive Garden start putting cilantro on everything including their spaghetti? UGHHH ... yeah yeah I know, I'm the only person you know who doesn't like cilantro. I do like culantro though, it is much more flavorful and much less bitter.
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