Candace Rivers

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    • Candace Rivers
      Sometimes I’m just incredulous that I’m still living in a completely backward, unconscious, red state. If it weren’t for my liberal friends, I don’t know what I’d do! Also, today I've learned that kale actually isn’t good for you because your body actually doesn’t break it down, kind of like corn. #justchat
      • Candace Rivers
        Who’s watched the movie “Don’t Look Up”? It seemed too close to reality for my liking!
          • Cyntia Gessica

            Had some weaknesses (Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawerence being 2 and I am typically a fan). But, I thought it was too long and that McCay’s whacky edits got to be a little too much (he used them effectively in “The Big Short”). Overall thought it was good entertainment and had some thought-provoking moments and worked pretty well as the political satire it was intended to be. Not great, just good. Jonah Hill was hilarious.

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            • Tara Dahoe

              Good movie like a modern day version of Idiocracy. Loved the part where the computer predicted how Meryl Streep would croak. It only took 22,000 years for the prediction to come true.

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              • Gracie Fields

                I fell asleep while watching it and I never sleep during movies, ever! It bored me to death. And, that music playing throughout was horrifying, probably because it kept waking me up LOL. I personally hated that movie and no not recommend it to anyone.

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