Coraline Key


Being a mature adult is understanding that nobody is obligated to like you, be your friend, date you, fall in love with you, hang out with you, respond to your texts, or stick around. It’s understanding that everybody isn’t for everybody, that people are allowed to make decisions based on their own needs and wants and most importantly understanding that nobody owes you an explanation even when that’s what you strongly desire. It’s not getting upset and accepting things at face value , letting it go and allowing things to be what they are. It’s understanding the fact that even if this person isn’t for me there is a whole other sea of people that are.




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Preferred Color #0ECFDD
ProfessionRN Nurse and a Gymnastics Instructor
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    • Coraline Key
      When you blame someone or something else for everything that happens in your life you give your power away and remain forever a victim. When you learn to take accountability and understand that you are the master creator of your life then that’s when you start to see big changes in your narrative. YOU are the creator. You are not a victim to your own life choices.
      • Coraline Key
        Screaming Happy Birthday to my Best friend Jessica, but even more so like my sister I have never had. I tell people you are like my mom friend, SHE DOES NOT PLAY ABOUT ME. She’s the the type of friend to give me a knife out her kitchen before I go on a date (actually happened)! You have always been so adamant about my safety and who I’m around. When I was in St.Thomas let me tell you she was my only friend that was really o. Calling me everyday all day to make sure I’m alive and ok. “ who are you with, send me a picture of his ID” If she saw me moving on my location I’d receive call “where you going!?". You have been one of my main friends that have been there for me the most since my mom passed away and really the hardest time of my life. You have been more helpful and supportive to me than you think you have been and I am so grateful and appreciative for you being here and always offering me a space to run to. But all in all, I am so proud of you and the woman you have become and still becoming. I’ve watched you grow so much over the years since middle school. As I watch you build your family and accomplish your goals all while overcoming your own personal battles, I’m here to support you all the way through! I love you to the moon and back! Happy birthday sis!!!
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