Elizabeth Banks


Super chill and mentally ill, and I am as indigo as a person can get. I am Weird, Random, Comparable To The Invisible Woman, Loving, Strong-Willed, Love Animals, Creative, Forgiving, Spiritual...Special...Lol - Oh, I am young at heart forever, but sometimes an old soul (depends).  Anyways, I have no "real" friends except for God and like 3 or 4 close friends who're more like family, than friends (husband included). I do have a handful of acquaintances. I LOVE the small amount of actual family that I have left in this world. I take life day by day, sometimes even by hour or minute. This earth is my temporary home, I'm just visiting...and making the best of it.   Did I mention that I need movies, photographs and yummy food ( a real live movie buff/pic-a-holic/foodie too?!



Running, Exercise Jumping with a cord, Volleyball, Basketball.


Holidate, The Midnight Sky, The Call of the Wild, Stargirl, Project Power, Forest Gump, Superman, Batman Returns.

Date Today
Preferred Color #F61313
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Dancing with Music, spending time with the Scrapbook, taking pictures with my cell phone camera, Learn Origami and Spanish language,

ProfessionAssistant Nurse
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    • Elizabeth Banks
      I have never in my life seen someone call Mac and cheese , cheesy baked noodles and mean it. Before you ask , yes. Desi Chanel I was reading restaurant reviews and someone posted a pic of their plate and essentially called the Mac and cheese on their plate “the best cheesy baked noodles they’ve ever had” looking at the pic I knew what they were actually talking about but wtf!
        • Courtney Lee

          When I worked at Olive Garden, they would take us out back and beat us with an electric rod if we called any pasta dish noodles or macaroni (mac only or die!) Lol.

        • Elizabeth Banks
          Elizabeth Banks posted to Statuses & Comments
          If you want to know if the Coronavirus is as bad as everyone says, it is. I know it effects everyone differently but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. And for those of you that didn't know, my whole family got sick. All because a woman at a party (that I did not even go to), got my sister sick. So we've been dealing with this since before last week. I have finally stopped running a fever. I just hope it doesn't come back again. I am taking multivitamins, drinking fluids, eating soups, getting rest, taking pain relief and it has still been about one of the worst things I have ever dealt with. This is why it's so important for people to stay home when they feel unwell. This lady got at least-7 other people sick. Seven. And she knew she was sick too.
          • Elizabeth Banks
            I feel like a true role model is someone who lives up to their own core values. My mom is my role model because she is my motivation for patience, courage, empathy, and authenticity. During the period when my grandma was diagnosed with terminal cancer, my mom had no family besides her dying mom, kid brother, and me. I was greatly influenced by seeing Mom juggling feelings, maintaining positivity, and keeping composure, all while solely caring for her mom and brother while full-time working and single parenting. This e😜erience provided me with a valuable learning e😜erience of patience and courage during life's dips and hurdles. Another inspiring time with my mom was in a laundromat parking lot. A bloody and bruised woman had crawled out of a truck. Mom immediately helped her. The woman was terrified of her boyfriend inside, so we took her elsewhere. My mom is always this way, and her empathy towards others will always motivate me to be likewise. Lastly, but certainly not the least, my mom is as authentic as authenticity can get. She refuses to be defined by any social status or title. She lives with her soul while always staying true to herself. Mom shows me that true authenticity reveals itself in 'being' instead of 'proving' one's self. I have no idea where I would be today without my mom. Her influence is of upmost importance to me because she is the builder of my life's core.
            • Elizabeth Banks
              Elizabeth Banks commented on the file Pan For Cooking Food
              I cook with both, the electrical and the gas stoves, it is just an optional thing.
              • Elizabeth Banks
                Elizabeth Banks provided an answer for the question Need tips for decreasing electric bill please?
                I think your thermostat should be around 76 or so. And use a ceiling fan to recirculate the cool air. Hang clothes to dry outside. Close all drapes (hubby hates this one). Also go ahead and investigate if your area has time of use discounts, where I...
                • Elizabeth Banks
                  Elizabeth Banks joined the group Share Your Success

                Statuses & Comments

                  • Elizabeth Banks
                    I have never in my life seen someone call Mac and cheese , cheesy baked noodles and mean it. Before you ask , yes. Desi Chanel I was reading restaurant reviews and someone posted a pic of their plate and essentially called the Mac and cheese on their plate “the best cheesy baked noodles they’ve ever had” looking at the pic I knew what they were actually talking about but wtf!
                    • Elizabeth Banks
                      If you want to know if the Coronavirus is as bad as everyone says, it is. I know it effects everyone differently but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. And for those of you that didn't know, my whole family got sick. All because a woman at a party (that I did not even go to), got my sister sick. So we've been dealing with this since before last week. I have finally stopped running a fever. I just hope it doesn't come back again. I am taking multivitamins, drinking fluids, eating soups, getting rest, taking pain relief and it has still been about one of the worst things I have ever dealt with. This is why it's so important for people to stay home when they feel unwell. This lady got at least-7 other people sick. Seven. And she knew she was sick too.
                      • Elizabeth Banks
                        I feel like a true role model is someone who lives up to their own core values. My mom is my role model because she is my motivation for patience, courage, empathy, and authenticity. During the period when my grandma was diagnosed with terminal cancer, my mom had no family besides her dying mom, kid brother, and me. I was greatly influenced by seeing Mom juggling feelings, maintaining positivity, and keeping composure, all while solely caring for her mom and brother while full-time working and single parenting. This e😜erience provided me with a valuable learning e😜erience of patience and courage during life's dips and hurdles. Another inspiring time with my mom was in a laundromat parking lot. A bloody and bruised woman had crawled out of a truck. Mom immediately helped her. The woman was terrified of her boyfriend inside, so we took her elsewhere. My mom is always this way, and her empathy towards others will always motivate me to be likewise. Lastly, but certainly not the least, my mom is as authentic as authenticity can get. She refuses to be defined by any social status or title. She lives with her soul while always staying true to herself. Mom shows me that true authenticity reveals itself in 'being' instead of 'proving' one's self. I have no idea where I would be today without my mom. Her influence is of upmost importance to me because she is the builder of my life's core.
                        • Elizabeth Banks
                          My next door neighbor knocked on my door and told me that his billfold was stolen when he was taking a shower last night at 2am, he had his doors unlocked and wondered if i had seen anyone or anything suspicious. I did not see or hear anything at all, because I was IN BED! Now I'm just trying to figure out if I give off psychotic vibes, or if others have told this guy, "Don't mess with her, she's nice" (or if they just know everyone that I married and are like "She's crazy/stupid/"!?
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