Elizabeth Jackson


My grandma would always cook beef stew for me and my two little brothers, and my mother change her cooking by adopting chicken and dumplings front he Southern Illinois area. I just like to order pizza from Dominos and Pizza Hut and that's it, no hassle at all.
I don't know why we should repeat the past and we can't have our own minds. I think that America is beautiful for the people's diversity, their customs and traditions, but most at all for the initiative to make thins work the best and easy, less expensive etc.
I stay with my way, no anxiety and depression, no worries ever because I trust Gd and my self.


Beach Volleyball, American Hockey, American football leagues.

Insurance CompanyState Farm Ins Co. For automobile, and husband vehicles
Date Today
Preferred Color #98E7AB
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Surfing the web, Making Web Pages, Arts, Marcial Arts Karate Do, 

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    • Elizabeth Jackson
      Things may be starting to pick up for me~ I began writing again the other night because I felt inspired -and I have been trying to be more on task about things in general that I need. So far it's working.
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