Grace E Garfunkel


There is never a bigger blind than those who think they can't see anything. My guessing is that everyone spending time online sharing their stuff and sniffing into others lives are people who are just bored and they want to stay in touch with someone else like them.
My property is the piece of land at the nearest cemetery and I'm sure i will used it some day in the future.
For now I want to paint blank pages and share them with friends, maybe I become a painter soon.


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    • Grace E Garfunkel
      This is how my faith is set up: Exactly one year ago I packed my stuff up and moved across the country. Let alone never having set foot in California before but I’ve never even been to the west coast at all. The furthest west in the country I’ve ever been was Colorado. I signed a lease to a place I have never seen in person only in pics and met my roomate on the internet. Never met her in person either. We had one phone conversation. I had no family and friends here. Just moving to a blank slate with all of the confidence that it will be ok. Drove across the country by myself and made an adventure out of it in a 2010 Pontiac G6. It all sounds scary and crazy but it literally couldn’t have not turned out better. My roomate is cool, where I live is great, although it was an immediate culture shock (I practically live in Mexico) I have settled in well, I have now a great group of friends that I can actually call a friend, and I can say that I am really happy and comfortable. I bring this up because everybody’s impulsive big decision wouldn’t always turn out the way mine did. I woke up one day and I had a thought that I could do whatever I want and go wherever I want so why am I not doing it? Literally nothing was stopping me but me. I kept my faith alive in the decisions I was making and the directions my spirit was leading me. I just wanted to say I manifested this.
        • Lauren Troisi

          This made me have happy tears, I am so happy for you! Sometimes big decisions like that seem to be impulsive. Most people are afraid to step out of their comfort zone. Most people are not willing to take risks that may reap an even higher reward. This is what keeps us in a mundane routine and it keeps us complacent. You can't expect different results by doing the same thing. I am so proud of you for taking that leap of faith, it took a lot of courage!

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          • Grace E Garfunkel

            I will say that finding genuine friends was NOT easy. It took a good minute to find people that it was natural for me to be around and were similar to me and where a bond actually existed. It took alot of weeding out and alot of time was spent by myself but we here now.

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          • Grace E Garfunkel
            I had a fight with a friend, she typed dreadful things. I can’t just forget she thinks that way about me. My parents would like me to pretend it didn’t happen. She has been a good friend and I love her. I keep going over the things she typed in my head.
              • Aurora E Seferi

                If you still want to be friends, then tell her that her words were very hurtful. If there is a ring of truth in anything she has said may be you need to apologize and perhaps explain to her and have a proper discussion if your condition limits your understanding. If she is toxic and you don't want to be friends with her cut her out of your life.

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                • Kyrie Eleison

                  Yessss sometimes friendship can get ugly! We all have moments. I myself have said some terrible things in meltdowns to people I love. Hope you and you friend can work through this! She was angry. Give it a while, then see if she wants to talk. It's no use going over these things when you both still feel anger.

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                • Grace E Garfunkel
                  Can I tell you how great and important it is to have friends that care about what your goals are and having friends that hold you accountable. I have a friend we don’t talk often but when we do he asks me every time “ What are your goals right now” and then I will list then out. Then he will ask what I have accomplished. I get asked this every time we talk. Anytime I have something negative to say he checks me unforgivably. Today after me e😜ressing my struggles with my confidence in my current goals he said to me “Grace, you are a leader you have to carry yourself as such. People look up to you ,you don’t have time to wallow in self pity.” And that’s exactly what I needed to hear and that’s when I realized what kind of friend I had. He reminded me of all of my goals and it was all the same I had doubts and he pushed me. It just made me realize that a friend that cares about your goals and actively pushes you to achieve them is a friend that everybody needs to have. Noticing how appreciative I am to have a friend like that made me check myself and how I am towards my other friends. I’m going to start checking in on their goals and seeing where they are in their lives. It’s the kind of friend everybody needs and that I’m glad I have so I need to pay it forward and maybe everyone else can start doing the same because I am very appreciative and grateful.
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