Heidi Morgan


Feminist, Librarian, animal wrangler, food enthusiast, curl nurturer, professional speculator.

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    • Heidi Morgan
      I think it’s interesting how this generation of men swears up and down they aren’t going to take care of someone else’s kids and make it a huge issue when a large amount of guys grew up with step fathers taking care of someone else’s kids (even you)...as in, YOU were someone else’s kids being taken care of. Your mindsets are just different. But this is just my opinion.
        • Samantha Fish

          This new generation of men are against dating women in general. They find every reason to not marry women, why women are bad, crazy, etc. They just want open relationships now. SMH. It's a very sad and tiring narrative.

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        • Heidi Morgan
          Based on the response to my part-time position announcement on Twitter today, there is not a shortage of people willing to work, just perhaps a shortage of them willing to work for low salaries and no benefits. Just sayin'!
          • Heidi Morgan
            One day I’m not gonna be so heavily socially awkward but until then ….this is what you get.
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