Kathy Miller Smith


My life is a secrete and  can share great things but never my phone number and address,
Study at John F. Kennedy High School (Paterson, New Jersey)



Running sports, ice sports, smart sports etc.

Insurance CompanyUSAA car insurance.
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Preferred Color #4E9A06

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    • Kathy Miller Smith
      Kathy Miller Smith posted to the wire

      I deleted my last post because it was being misunderstood as me saying that I’m pregnant and I am not. What I’m saying is that my mind has shifted from a child free mindset and never wanting kids to actually wanting to be a mother one day and... more

      • Kathy Miller Smith
        Gorgeous giraffe!
        • Beautiful Tall Albino Giraffe White Color
        • Kathy Miller Smith
          Kathy Miller Smith commented on the photo Predator Wild Cat Albino Ocelot
          Beautiful cat
          • Predator Wild Cat Albino Ocelot
          • Kathy Miller Smith
            Kathy Miller Smith posted to the wire

            Omg, Groundhog Day is one of the dumbest traditions. Let's grab this little animal, pull him or her out of their enclosure (which is already a prison), display them in front if screaming humans, terrify and scare the hell out of them, and then... more

            • Kathy Miller Smith
              Kathy Miller Smith posted to the wire

              I fed my Grandma's hens yogurt the other day and her egg-count went from half a dozen eggs a day to about forty a day! It was a tip from an older gentleman who clearly knew what he was talking about. My Grammy is super happy, so I am super delighted!

              • Kathy Miller Smith
                Kathy Miller Smith commented on the discussion topic A Ghost Lives With Me
                Yep! I have a ghost like that. Takes something when I know where I put it. One morning. I always put my shoes in the same place. That morning. They weren't there. So I looked in the living room. Nope. I'm like Clyde I don't have time for this crap....Read more
                • Kathy Miller Smith
                  Kathy Miller Smith posted to the wire

                  Spiders; please go away. Get off of me, stay out of my car, stay off of my bed where i sleep, and please..don't bother me when i'm in the shower. I prefer many other bugs besides you.(except worms..and okay, grasshoppers.) even if you aren't exactly... more

                  • Kathy Miller Smith
                    Kathy Miller Smith commented on Please people just...
                    Totally Agree!! It is So Selfish.

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