Kay Buse


The interior designing business is all I have, my career takes a big part of my life, the other part my husband and my pets at home.
I want to make some money extra after my main job and then I decided to starts selling art pictures at Etsy, till now I sold twenty good ones, this is working wonderful, making good money so far.

Insurance CompanyState Farm Insurance for home and cars
Date Today
Preferred Color #E52424
ProfessionInterior designer
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    • Kay Buse
      Although I was alone on site for a while this morning, there were quite a few of us there as time went on. I did get jealous of an old couple who turned up and lit a bonfire. I need to light a couple but had decided I wouldn't be there long enough today. So it best not piss down on Monday. I've given in and realised that the frost killed my artichoke plants. I'd had some very good harvests on them but now have to buy some more seeds to get more going. It's not too much of a disaster as I'd planted these in the wrong place. And I've finally sown the January seeds in the greenhouse here. Got to sort out the February ones next but they won't be sown today as it's gone too damn cold out there now. Along with the robins, and various types of tits, the little dunnock came to visit again.
      • Kay Buse
        You don't know what you lost, heck you don't even know what you had...you don't even know at all, and that is what's so bad. Your flirt finds me out Teases the crack in me Smittens me with hope As much as I definitely enjoy solitude I wouldn't mind, perhaps Spending a little time with you Sometimes Uncertainty excites me, baby Who knows what's going to happen? Drowning or a car crash - or you'll join a cult You're eruptions and disasters keep me calm Admiring your lava, I keep calm Electric shocks? I love them! With you: a dozen a day But after a while I wonder Where's that love you promised me? Where is it? How can you offer me love like that? My heart's burned I'm exhausted - leave me alone! Since we broke up I'm using lipstick again I stick out my tongue In remembrance of you.
        • Kay Buse
          I bet you that I waved at about a dozen ppl that I knew today, while I was running errands, and maybe like 2 ppl spoke back, I said to myself, I'm not gonna throw up my hand ever again at those folks, but in the back of my mind I could hear my daddy saying to me, "speaking is free, it won't cost you a thing to be polite. Yes sir!
          • Kay Buse
            Take me to an old wise tree. remind me to be still, and let things be. grounded and rooted, yet and still I rise. down to earth, but with all my will I will reach the skies. take me to a tree. be it big or small. remind me to breathe, let go, and let all dead things fall. take me to a tree. let us enjoy the joy of perfect silence. leaves beside us. peace and quiet. the tree is wisest. receive its wisdom and guidance to be enlightened.
            • Kay Buse
              Kay Buse posted to Statuses & Comments
              Although I was alone on site for a while this morning, there were quite a few of us there as time went on. I did get jealous of an old couple who turned up and lit a bonfire. I need to light a couple but had decided I wouldn't be there long enough today. So it best not piss down on Monday. I've given in and realised that the frost killed my artichoke plants. I'd had some very good harvests on them but now have to buy some more seeds to get more going. It's not too much of a disaster as I'd planted these in the wrong place. And I've finally sown the January seeds in the greenhouse here. Got to sort out the February ones next but they won't be sown today as it's gone too damn cold out there now. Along with the robins, and various types of tits, the little dunnock came to visit again.
              • Kay Buse
                Kay Buse posted to Statuses & Comments
                You don't know what you lost, heck you don't even know what you had...you don't even know at all, and that is what's so bad. Your flirt finds me out Teases the crack in me Smittens me with hope As much as I definitely enjoy solitude I wouldn't mind, perhaps Spending a little time with you Sometimes Uncertainty excites me, baby Who knows what's going to happen? Drowning or a car crash - or you'll join a cult You're eruptions and disasters keep me calm Admiring your lava, I keep calm Electric shocks? I love them! With you: a dozen a day But after a while I wonder Where's that love you promised me? Where is it? How can you offer me love like that? My heart's burned I'm exhausted - leave me alone! Since we broke up I'm using lipstick again I stick out my tongue In remembrance of you.
                • Kay Buse
                  Kay Buse commented on I’m getting accustomed...
                  Love this! I really should try this as I’ve learned to take millions of pictures but posting one or two as a group but I like this idea a lot.
                  • Kay Buse
                    Kay Buse commented on I wonder about things...
                    Sometimes in life when I have had to make big decisions I use the Ben Franklin approach. I write out a list of pros and cons for the situation that I am facing. When I list that on paper sometimes one side far outweighs the other and the choice...Read more
                    • Kay Buse
                      Kay Buse posted to Statuses & Comments
                      I bet you that I waved at about a dozen ppl that I knew today, while I was running errands, and maybe like 2 ppl spoke back, I said to myself, I'm not gonna throw up my hand ever again at those folks, but in the back of my mind I could hear my daddy saying to me, "speaking is free, it won't cost you a thing to be polite. Yes sir!
                      • Kay Buse
                        Kay Buse posted to Statuses & Comments
                        Take me to an old wise tree. remind me to be still, and let things be. grounded and rooted, yet and still I rise. down to earth, but with all my will I will reach the skies. take me to a tree. be it big or small. remind me to breathe, let go, and let all dead things fall. take me to a tree. let us enjoy the joy of perfect silence. leaves beside us. peace and quiet. the tree is wisest. receive its wisdom and guidance to be enlightened.
                        • Kay Buse
                          Kay Buse provided an answer for the question What Is The Best Side Hustle You’ve Found?
                          I have a friend who's a dominatrix and she says it is so much fun.  She seems to like it. She has a room full of toys and contraptions, and i bet she makes quite a bit of $$$.
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