Kim Zolciak


I'm a happy model and an activist.

Avid chocolate chip cookie lover. A writer, a photographer, ponderer.  an occasional snort-laughter, a yogi  mother, human living, breathing, thinking, seeing, being, creating, a pasta  food lover, a survival requires humor and best foods.

My height is about: 1.73 m
How many children do I have? I have 4 almost grown children

I am also who I am and which is me, the Kimme. :)


Ice Hockey, Tennis, Golf, Football, running for fun, Swimming at pools and beaches, Karate -Do, Volleyball in between others.


First Cow, The Painter and the Thief, The Trip to Greece, The Vast of Night. Many many mores movies and TV series and good shows.

Insurance CompanyThe Norfolk & Dedham Group, Northwestern Mutual, Omega Insurance Companies
Date Today
Preferred Color #48049A
List of Hobbies

Motherhood, yoga training, Book writing, photography, thinking too much, modeling, dancing, singing.
My  are:
Raising My Kids, Traveling, Wandering, Wondering, Working Out, Old School, Video Games, Poems, Urban Photography, music from the 80s Music, Practice acting


ProfessionBusiness Woman

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    • Kim Zolciak
      Kim Zolciak posted to Statuses & Comments
      “Before I was 6 years old, my grandparents and my mother had taught me that if all the green things that grow were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all the four-legged creatures were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all the winged creatures were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all our relatives who crawl and swim and live within the earth were taken away, there could be no life. But if all the human beings were taken away, life on earth would flourish. That is how insignificant we are.” - Russell Means, Oglala Lakota Nation
      • Kim Zolciak
        Kim Zolciak commented on a page titled Haunted and Taunted
        Wow, that's wild! I think that all this has everything to do with the ouiji board. Find your way out of that mess! I think you need to pray in the name of Jesus every night before bed. And if you feel the dreams coming on then repeat over and over....Read more
        • Kim Zolciak
          Kim Zolciak posted to Statuses & Comments
          I'm sitting here this 4th of July evening with a heavy mind and heart. These last few days have been so chaotic!! We had to move from where we were, and was told that she had spoken with the sheriffs department, and because we didnt pay rent, she could legally kick us out then, and that we had to leave. Which in all actuality, that was a bold faced lie because we had lived there for over a year so we had 30 days from the time we were told we had to be out. We were originally told that we had until the 30th to be out. Being as niave as I am, I took it for face value. She was however "nice enough" to give me until Wednesday @ 12 to be out so I would have a storage building to put ally furniture and things in. So frantically I pack the rest of my stuff, amd I'm able to get ally furniture out. My daughters and I spent all Tuesday and yesterday packing, and hauling things to our storage building, and to my mothers. My oldest 2 children were up over 24 hours, and I was up for 36 hours in total until I was able to sleep. My in-laws, amd my mother even allowed us to use their vehicles to pack things in your get out stuff outta there. Trying to save time, I sat things outside my stotage building knowing Y would be right back with another load. While i was gone, there there was a phone call made to the sheriff's department, and that point that's when I was told that what she was trying to do was illegal. There was an officer that showed up, and things were settled, and I had until 3 the next days to get the test of my stuff, and also clean the floors, and wipe everything down so I left it how it was when we moved in. When I made it back to my storage building someone had stolen practically all the stuff I had left. There was probably $300 of makeup, a whole garbage bag full of practically all our shoes, two electric heaters, $300 worth medical stuff, $375 worth of art supplies and coloring books, and a laundry basket full of irreplacable items.
          • Kim Zolciak
            Kim Zolciak posted to Statuses & Comments
            I had my MRI on my hip today and I already got the results online. I have a partial tear like initially suggested/ probable bone bruising and fluid building in the soft tissue (sorry for tmi). I am already scheduled for 3x a week physical therapy all of August plus follow-up appointments too -so I am just waiting on the doctors office/hospital to call me back with any course of action.
              • Kaia Gerber

                Feel better soon Kim!! I am glad to hear that they are figuring it out and you now have a plan started for healing your hip!

              • Kim Zolciak
                Kim Zolciak commented on I moved to Little Rock...
                When I did the numbers on the back of a napkin, it was breakeven for me to move to New York City. As soon as I moved, I realized how pessimistic I’d been. My standard of living is much higher.
                • Kim Zolciak
                  Kim Zolciak posted to Statuses & Comments
                  Hour one of Amanda's bday party: I find myself hiding out with the boys playing video games. They are so chill, but we can hear the girls screaming from here. We're scared that they will find us. The girls are loud, they whine, and are being so dramatic. Boys: 1 Girls: 0 I would say that I am ashamed of my chosen gender more than the one I was born with but it as long as I can still mellow out with my homeboys when needed lol.
                  • Kim Zolciak
                    Kim Zolciak posted to Statuses & Comments
                    Let me get another thing straight. The only thing I despise more than people talking to me like I'm stupid is people playing stupid and asking me why I'm mad when they know darn good and well why I'm so mad. If you want to make me mad, then that's the way to do it. And it ain't pretty because most of the time I'm happy as a clam.

                  Statuses & Comments

                    • Kim Zolciak
                      “Before I was 6 years old, my grandparents and my mother had taught me that if all the green things that grow were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all the four-legged creatures were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all the winged creatures were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all our relatives who crawl and swim and live within the earth were taken away, there could be no life. But if all the human beings were taken away, life on earth would flourish. That is how insignificant we are.” - Russell Means, Oglala Lakota Nation
                      • Kim Zolciak
                        I'm sitting here this 4th of July evening with a heavy mind and heart. These last few days have been so chaotic!! We had to move from where we were, and was told that she had spoken with the sheriffs department, and because we didnt pay rent, she could legally kick us out then, and that we had to leave. Which in all actuality, that was a bold faced lie because we had lived there for over a year so we had 30 days from the time we were told we had to be out. We were originally told that we had until the 30th to be out. Being as niave as I am, I took it for face value. She was however "nice enough" to give me until Wednesday @ 12 to be out so I would have a storage building to put ally furniture and things in. So frantically I pack the rest of my stuff, amd I'm able to get ally furniture out. My daughters and I spent all Tuesday and yesterday packing, and hauling things to our storage building, and to my mothers. My oldest 2 children were up over 24 hours, and I was up for 36 hours in total until I was able to sleep. My in-laws, amd my mother even allowed us to use their vehicles to pack things in your get out stuff outta there. Trying to save time, I sat things outside my stotage building knowing Y would be right back with another load. While i was gone, there there was a phone call made to the sheriff's department, and that point that's when I was told that what she was trying to do was illegal. There was an officer that showed up, and things were settled, and I had until 3 the next days to get the test of my stuff, and also clean the floors, and wipe everything down so I left it how it was when we moved in. When I made it back to my storage building someone had stolen practically all the stuff I had left. There was probably $300 of makeup, a whole garbage bag full of practically all our shoes, two electric heaters, $300 worth medical stuff, $375 worth of art supplies and coloring books, and a laundry basket full of irreplacable items.
                        • Kim Zolciak
                          I had my MRI on my hip today and I already got the results online. I have a partial tear like initially suggested/ probable bone bruising and fluid building in the soft tissue (sorry for tmi). I am already scheduled for 3x a week physical therapy all of August plus follow-up appointments too -so I am just waiting on the doctors office/hospital to call me back with any course of action.
                          • Kim Zolciak
                            Hour one of Amanda's bday party: I find myself hiding out with the boys playing video games. They are so chill, but we can hear the girls screaming from here. We're scared that they will find us. The girls are loud, they whine, and are being so dramatic. Boys: 1 Girls: 0 I would say that I am ashamed of my chosen gender more than the one I was born with but it as long as I can still mellow out with my homeboys when needed lol.
                            • Kim Zolciak
                              Let me get another thing straight. The only thing I despise more than people talking to me like I'm stupid is people playing stupid and asking me why I'm mad when they know darn good and well why I'm so mad. If you want to make me mad, then that's the way to do it. And it ain't pretty because most of the time I'm happy as a clam.
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