Lauren Troisi


I enjoy my minutes when I'm in break from my job, I usually check my social media profiles because i love to read about natural products and what they are good for your body health. I think that I will save to invest in food products at the stock market.
I have two dogs and one cat female and they all are happy with me.

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Preferred Color #793469
ProfessionCertified Occupancy Specialist, Resident Selection & Relocation
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    • Lauren Troisi
      While looking at the whole man and woman “dating adventure”, I think it’s time for everyone to acknowledge and accept the premise that men and women think, emote, and communicate differently. Trying to understand the languages of the body and emotions (“body language”) or the thoughts (“guess what I’m thinking”) often leads to accidents and mistakes in interpretation (“assume”). And many times people don’t even share common interpretations of spoken words.
      • Lauren Troisi
        There is no rule that you need to be in a relationship or have to date. It is fine to be by yourself. Some people are always in a relationship or looking to be in a relationship so they don’t actually know who or what they are without the influence of somebody else. I it perfectly okay to learn what it means to be yourself without seeking others
        • Lauren Troisi
          I went without a television in my old house for 5 years, and I’m ready to dismantle and remove every tv currently in my house now. Personally, if I’m sick or if there is a series I like (Yellowstone being the only one) I can tolerate some tv. I just don’t like watching TV.
          • Lauren Troisi
            I am so saddened to hear this, my heart goes out to you and your family. I understand all to well the pain of losing your father. I am here for you. If you need anything please let me know. I love you and I’m giving you big hugs through this...Read more
            • Lauren Troisi
              Lauren Troisi posted to Statuses & Comments
              While looking at the whole man and woman “dating adventure”, I think it’s time for everyone to acknowledge and accept the premise that men and women think, emote, and communicate differently. Trying to understand the languages of the body and emotions (“body language”) or the thoughts (“guess what I’m thinking”) often leads to accidents and mistakes in interpretation (“assume”). And many times people don’t even share common interpretations of spoken words.
              • Lauren Troisi
                Lauren Troisi commented on This is how my faith is...
                This made me have happy tears, I am so happy for you! Sometimes big decisions like that seem to be impulsive. Most people are afraid to step out of their comfort zone. Most people are not willing to take risks that may reap an even higher reward....Read more
                • Lauren Troisi
                  Lauren Troisi posted to Statuses & Comments
                  There is no rule that you need to be in a relationship or have to date. It is fine to be by yourself. Some people are always in a relationship or looking to be in a relationship so they don’t actually know who or what they are without the influence of somebody else. I it perfectly okay to learn what it means to be yourself without seeking others
                  • Lauren Troisi
                    Lauren Troisi posted to Statuses & Comments
                    I went without a television in my old house for 5 years, and I’m ready to dismantle and remove every tv currently in my house now. Personally, if I’m sick or if there is a series I like (Yellowstone being the only one) I can tolerate some tv. I just don’t like watching TV.
                    • Lauren Troisi
                      Lauren Troisi has a new avatar
                      Lauren Troisi
                      • Lauren Troisi
                        Lauren Troisi commented on the discussion topic A Ghost Lives With Me
                        Just a reminder that some spirits are helpful and loving. So glad you live harmoniously with her. I have a little girl named Stacy that has been with me since I was 12. She was my best friend along time ago, but was killed suddenly in a car...Read more
                        • Lauren Troisi
                          Lauren Troisi joined the site
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