Letha Cherry

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    • Letha Cherry
      After years of being afraid of my own yard after yellow jackets sent me to the hospital with anaphylaxis, I've erected a screened in canopy around my deck so I can finally enjoy my morning coffee outside in peace again.
      • Letha Cherry
        Ask your kid these questions and write exactly what they reply! My Niece, Ashley - Age 8: *What is something that I say a lot? Don't lock your door. *What makes me happy? When I don't keep secrets from you. *What makes me sad? When I don't tell you the truth. *How tall am I? 5 foot, *counts my forehead* 7. *What's my favorite thing to do? Stalk people, play Skyrim, eat food, cuddles, and love me. *What is my favorite food? Dunkin *What is my favorite drink? Iced coffee *If I could go anywhere, where would it be? I don't know. *Do you think you could live without me? No! *What is my favorite TV show? Oh shoot, shoot! I don't know. I don't know. *What is my favorite music to listen to? Ummm, rock. *What is my job? Buyer, you're a buyer. * how old am I? That's easy 34 - Boom! See I know how many years old you are. *what's my favorite color? Shoot! Wait, you like all of the colors. So like, rainbow? It has to be rainbow. *How much do I love you? Like, above infinity... I think.
        • Letha Cherry
          I believe empowering others is a direct side effect of empowering yourself. Folks will only change when they're truly ready, but when you start to believe in yourself, achieve goals and push past self limiting beliefs other people take notice and think, 'hmmm if they can do it, then so can I' That is part of why public accountability works - everybody has their own goals and everybody has their own struggles so when you see other people achieving their goals despite their struggles... it IS SOOO empowering. Advice is great but a positive example is way better trust me on this one, I should know!
          • Letha Cherry
            I stopped being offended by other people’s actions when I could finally see why people were the way they were and did the things they did. It pays to really be able see things and stop always having a need to react. These insights have roots in the greater levels of self understanding, appreciation, esteem, and love for myself!
            • Letha Cherry
              Letha Cherry posted to Statuses & Comments
              After years of being afraid of my own yard after yellow jackets sent me to the hospital with anaphylaxis, I've erected a screened in canopy around my deck so I can finally enjoy my morning coffee outside in peace again.
              • Letha Cherry
                Letha Cherry commented on So we aren’t going to...
                Oh wow, praying for all victims involved and that the shooter is found soon, man all these mass shooting have been out of hand!!
                • Letha Cherry
                  Letha Cherry posted to Statuses & Comments
                  Ask your kid these questions and write exactly what they reply! My Niece, Ashley - Age 8: *What is something that I say a lot? Don't lock your door. *What makes me happy? When I don't keep secrets from you. *What makes me sad? When I don't tell you the truth. *How tall am I? 5 foot, *counts my forehead* 7. *What's my favorite thing to do? Stalk people, play Skyrim, eat food, cuddles, and love me. *What is my favorite food? Dunkin *What is my favorite drink? Iced coffee *If I could go anywhere, where would it be? I don't know. *Do you think you could live without me? No! *What is my favorite TV show? Oh shoot, shoot! I don't know. I don't know. *What is my favorite music to listen to? Ummm, rock. *What is my job? Buyer, you're a buyer. * how old am I? That's easy 34 - Boom! See I know how many years old you are. *what's my favorite color? Shoot! Wait, you like all of the colors. So like, rainbow? It has to be rainbow. *How much do I love you? Like, above infinity... I think.
                  • Letha Cherry
                    Letha Cherry posted to Statuses & Comments
                    I believe empowering others is a direct side effect of empowering yourself. Folks will only change when they're truly ready, but when you start to believe in yourself, achieve goals and push past self limiting beliefs other people take notice and think, 'hmmm if they can do it, then so can I' That is part of why public accountability works - everybody has their own goals and everybody has their own struggles so when you see other people achieving their goals despite their struggles... it IS SOOO empowering. Advice is great but a positive example is way better trust me on this one, I should know!
                    • Letha Cherry
                      Letha Cherry posted to Statuses & Comments
                      I stopped being offended by other people’s actions when I could finally see why people were the way they were and did the things they did. It pays to really be able see things and stop always having a need to react. These insights have roots in the greater levels of self understanding, appreciation, esteem, and love for myself!
                      • Letha Cherry
                        Guys... The point is, find a way to make something else happen. Everyone has a sob story and very valid reasons crap gets messed up. That doesn't mean what was posted isn't true... It's literally telling you... Make plans because this will not cut...
                        • Letha Cherry
                          Letha Cherry commented on the file New Boots To Wear Low Quality But Cheap
                          That story easy can make me cry of sadness for that man.
                          • Letha Cherry
                            I completely agree! Buying quality is being frugal!! Quality brands last the most and the fit is always better. I just buy expensive and high quality products, for the record.
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