Lindsay Allen


My father was an inspector and his job always consisted on checking restaurants health protocols, if those business establishments did not meet the requirements, my father shut them down for ever. In my case instead of that job, I keep them working and give them an opportunity to fix it and come back next day to check if they are right or not.
This means every person works the way they feel is better for everybody.

Insurance CompanyGeico car insurance for now
Date Today
Preferred Color #73D216
ProfessionHealth Inspector
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    • Lindsay Allen
      A simple and stress-free life is not a step backward but forward!! Consider living frugally and humbly and BE HAPPY with MINIMAL WORRIES!!!!
      • Lindsay Allen
        I have stopped eating out at restaurants four or five times a week because I was overspending big time. I used to spend so much money eating out but now I have started meal prepping and grocery shopping more often and have already saved so much just this month that I can now afford a much better Thanksgiving dinner for my family and friends this year!
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