Lisa Brown


being a careful person can save me a lot of suffering and money too.
I just want to share a little of me online.
I'm here to watch what people are saying about me, to control the anxiety of not being heard by the community and to enjoy others stories about what is happening in their lives and how they live it.

Insurance CompanyAll State Insurance home and cars
Preferred Color #AD7FA8
ProfessionGardener, Home Business
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    • Lisa Brown
      I'm almost 35 years old. I live in a large city and make 48k/year. It's really hard to get by these days. My friends are either married with kids or out having fun and living their lives. Since I can't afford kids or going out, I'm very depressed lately. It's really depressing to me to spend a Saturday night at the grocery store with a calculator looking for good deals.
      • Lisa Brown
        Dudes are always like “oh we’re just friends ,we’re cool.” And then you find out you are in a relationship and be in their feelings. Umm, but I thought we were just friends and we were cool? Smh
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