Mary Power


My name is Mary, that simple.
I love flowers and drinking healthy drinks made from natural fruits like grapes and oranges from Florida, also I love pineapples from Costa Rica, because those fruits are great for baking delicious cakes and cookies on the oven. 
Pineapples From Costa Rica For Baking Bread And Cakes
I usually save five dollars every day from my own business and I own my home outright, without any debts to pay to banks.


Basketball, Softball, Swimming at the Pool, Running on Bare Foot on the green grass,


Black Beauty, The Prom, The Life Ahead, The Trial of the Chicago 7, The Paramedic, Notes for My Son, Work It.

Insurance CompanyI try the best car insurance in USA: USAA, Geico, Allstate, State Farm, Farmers, Progressive, American Family, Nationwide, and they are all good to me as an experience car driver
Date Today
Preferred Color #4C8E15
List of Hobbies

Let me see, hobbies for older women like me:
Fitness activities like exercise and bicycle riding, Sports, Gardening has plenty of benefits for older people like me are Video Gaming, spending time on Social Media, at the kitchen Cooking, playing table games like Jigsaw Puzzles, and a lot of Reading books from Stephen King.

ProfessionBusiness Woman, making lots of money from home.

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Statuses & Comments

    • Mary Power
      Alright everybody, I've finally put my Traeger together and it’s seasoned. I’m a beginner. I'm gonna begin with a pork shoulder for my first smoking. Sending happy weekend wishes to all!
      • Mary Power
        15 Random Facts about me. Brace yourselves! 1. I like night time better than day. 2. My favorite weather is rainy weather 3. My favorite season is fall. Not just cause of Halloween either. 4. My favorite color ever is purple. It used to be green when I was little. 5. If you're still reading this, i'm impressed. (Though that's not really a fact) 6. My favorite animal/pet is a cat. (duh) 7. I want to write a book someday, but i'm afraid to let anyone see my work. 8. I care too much about what others are thinking/think of me. 9. I think a post about 16 facts is pretty long. Also, I get bored easy. 10. It's incredibly hard for me to focus on more than one thing at once. 11. I have an elaborate fantasy of going to England and meeting my favorite celebrities there. (Because that's basically where they're all from). 12.I think a lot of customers at my job are rude (guess that's not really about me.) 13. I wish I were taller and more graceful. 14. I wish people would take me seriously more often, even if it's hard for them. Sometimes I feel like everything I say to anyone is just a joke. 15. I'm always subconsciously thinking about food.
        • Mary Power
          All of the time in the Walmart and Kroger’s cooler sections, it never fails that as soon as I finally climb to reach something to high to reach, then someone tall comes around the corner. I know the cameras show are kids think it’s funny especially when you try to jump sometimes.. getting to old for this!
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