Paul Simon


The one who runs faster will make the most mistakes.

Insurance CompanyUni-Safe Insurance Services
Preferred Color #1529C1
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Statuses & Comments

    • Paul Simon
      Spending more money just because you make more money is a slippery slope to staying broke if not well managed. Not a guarantee but a slippery slope.
        • Alamy Cunnane

          Maybe it's just me but I feel like you're calling out a group of people, at least partially, who literally can barely afford to survive, and then we start making more and we start spending more because the things we're spending more on are just essentials we couldn't afford before. I think I get the heart of what you're saying but it wasn't specified so I just wanted to point out just in case that, you know, I went from 24 to 31 dollars and I'm still broke and it's not because I just randomly started spending more, it was because like the expenses of Life become more when you can afford more. It's a little hard to explain but it's like okay now I can actually afford to live in my own apartment. Or now I can actually afford a few more meals whereas before I was kind of just toughing it out. It's crazy how the system of capitalism will literally have us thinking that we need to struggle and strive all the time but like if you have the money and you want something nice go out and get it. Please do. Please enjoy your life.

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          • Paul Simon

            I’m talking more about a great salary jump and buying things you don’t need and increasing your debt. Not essentials. For example buying a big house and nice cars. There’s nothing wrong with liking nice things if you can afford it. My highlight is proper money management. I’ve seen it happen time and time again . Someone makes more money they get too far ahead of themselves and end up not affording the life style they thought they could now live and they end up snow balling back into penny pinching because they stacked up more debt with their income increase.

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