Ron E Peterson


My expertise in lights as an engineer is the proof that I know what i'm doing and don't need anybody telling me anything about my job duties, I love my business career.
I spend most of time driving motorcycles with my bodies and when I go back to my apartment, i really cook my delicious sea food to eat, i hate to share it.


American Football Games, Running, Surfing, Swimming at the ocean,

Insurance CompanyGeico Car insurance service
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Preferred Color #0E14C4
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    • Ron E Peterson
      I think I've officially joined the ranks of the elderly. And elderly, I swear I'm not making fun of you. I was attempting to add to my physical and mental rehab by doing some household chores, and I tripped and took a tumble when the long end of the sh*ting cord got wound my ankles while I was holding the short end in my hand!! Don't worry; only my pride is bruised, especially after my cat stood there looking at me with a look on his face of either sympathy or humor.
      • Ron E Peterson
        You know you have great friends and family when you can dress up in random crazy costumes etc. -and they would still just go along with it...but then again, they're probably just used to me by now lmao
        • Ron E Peterson
          I personally feel like somebody has a right to not want to be with someone because of preferences or even how someone doesn’t want to date anyone for whatever reason. Everybody has a type. As a gay woman or man if you approach someone at a bar and ask do you like men/women and they say no it’s just ok well they don’t fall in my attraction so let me find someone else but if someone says they don’t date because of a personal preference then it’s a big deal. I don’t understand. You could be totally ok with trans being who they are with out having to be physically involved with them!
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