Sarah Rogers


When people I know ask me what do I do for a living I answer "For now I can't tell you, but if I remember it, I will".
Why do I have to tell them my private, no body else.
I wake up at 5:am and go to sleep at 9:pm. I have a lot of bills to worry paying and a dog to feed, plus take him out for a short walk everyday because he is my pet.
I work as a manager at a clothing factory for the las 10 years.


Hockey, Running, Soccer for women,


The Dark Knight, Inception, The Dark Knight Rises 1917, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Silence of the Lambs, Get Out R 2017 and more to watch.

Insurance CompanyGary's Insurance Agency Newark for cars
Date Today
Preferred Color #BA1797
List of Hobbies

Decorating Cakes (baking breads), Pole Dancing, Playing Action Video Games, Painting Pictures and Drawing Babies, Cooking Sweet Foods, Watching Netflix Series TV,

ProfessionBank Teller
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    • Sarah Rogers
      Putting out the call for anyone who has any old black and white family photos they'd like to see in color. It's my new hobby. I am able to remove wrinkles from told photos, I can enhance, and add color, even to photos more than 100 years old. All you have to do is send them to me by Facebook, text, or email. You keep the original black and whites. This way you can have a choice between the nostalgia of glorious black and white and the modern day color. I can send them back to you on your phone, and you can print color copies at your local photo kiosk. Again, this is just for fun. Some people prefer the black and white. I like having a choice. Just contact me with your photos and I'll toss some fairy dust and we'll see what happens.
      • Sarah Rogers
        Today I thought about what "friendship" means in modern society now that social media sites calls everyone friends even though they would more accurately be called acquaintances. And I realize now that the definition of friends is blurred so much that it now means "anyone who is part of the same community as you and has agreed to be amicable (agreeable) towards you. That is not my definition of friend. A friend is a person who you trust because they are trustworthy and you want to be trustworthy towards them. Without mutual trust, friendship cannot exist and they are strangers. But in this new world of oversharing and casual connections, everyone is a friend. And non-friends aren't considered acquaintances, they are considered fans or "followers".
          • Ann Stewart

            I just think there are new levels to knowing people. I have very few people that I would genuinely call my friend, but lots of people that I enjoy spending time with and am friendly with.

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