Sheila Chambers


When I was a teenager, I was always thinking that as soon I got my legal age i will start saving and buying a nice sport car, a cute house and many kids, then when finally i was on that age, all I did was keeping the study till getting a properly recognition from a college University and then i went to party.
Right not I'm a productive worker and I love it, thanks god I decided two years ago to move in TX because in this state are the highest-paying jobs in Texas.


American sports all.

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Art and crafts, Singing songs with country music

ProfessionLoan Servicing Specialist

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    • Sheila Chambers
      I give them one minute to fall in love with me and they always still have 59 seconds left.
      • Sheila Chambers
        It takes a sorry person to walk off a job because they are angry that they have to pay $47.65 a week for child support.
          • Hannah Einbinder

            Yes, and we know who that person is, he does it all the time when he is confronted about child support but still yet DCFS gave him joint custody and they knew how he would be what's the logic in that.

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          • Sheila Chambers
            We arrived to Granny's house after driving all day, so happy to be here! On the way, right after reaching the welcome to Montana sign, we saw the strangest thing. I thought this semi was making an illegal u-turn into the other side of traffic. He drove over the median, into ongoing traffic and his front and and trailer both fell over the side of the road right in front of our eyes. It was terrifying. I almost started crying because I don't know if the individual made it out of there. We called 911 and they dispatched someone with an ambulance as soon as we let them know. We saw the cop car on the way back. Please stay safe out there, and absolutely stay home if you don't have to travel this Thanksgiving. Professional truck drivers are probably under SO much stress right now I can't even imagine. But it was just scary to see!
            • Sheila Chambers
              I have always looked up to Wonder Woman and she was my inspiration to get through my recent years of life. I dressed as Wonder Woman when I ran during pregnancy; she was my reminder throughout chemo and radiation that I'm tougher than cancer; she's inspiration right now to get through these long days with Covid and complete isolation, depression, anxiety, and pain, I can do it and Wonder Woman is that reminder for me!
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