Shelba Johnson


Do not bother trying to figure me out because I am a special kind of twisted




An American Pickle

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    • Shelba Johnson
      Sadly, our future generations of people will be living on an earth that's literally covered with plastic. There will be no rain forests and most species will have become extinct. Our children's children will live in a wasteland of plastic filth, smelling it and inhaling it...possibly even absorbing it! They will look back at their parents and grandparents and curse them, wondering why they didn't do anything to stop this. You are the ones with the power to stop this, NOW is the time to make positive choices! I try not to let life make me bitter. But some days are harder than others.
      • Shelba Johnson
        After going to the Walmart yesterday and seeing all the empty shelves I sure am glad for our overstocked pantry! I have half a beef in one freezer, 80 lbs. of chicken breasts in another plus 4 turkeys, 4 hams, and a bunch of odds and ends. We canned 53 quarts of tomatoes, 27 quarts of peaches, 30 pints of carrots, and 30 quarts of potatoes last fall. Plus we've been stocking staples like pasta, canned goods, dry beans, etc. since last year.
        • Shelba Johnson
          I always risk sounding like a broken record but for real again and again I will say I AM SO PROUD OF YOU ro my loved ones! I love seeing them say what they dream of doing then watching them do it, that is so amazing to me!
          • Shelba Johnson
            Critically thinking means removing any and all emotion and just looking at the facts. If that type of thinking offends you, that is your problem, not mine.
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