Louis Douglas


My pleasure is to share a small part of my life.
Hello, I'm a dog trainer guy, and I my self own five small puppies just born this year.
I was a great student and almost finished the career Radiologist, but I run out of money and had to star working to pay my bills, so sad.
Now, I kind of stress free and sleep much better.
I love heavy metal music, please do not tell my friends.
I'm interested on teaching others how to become a Self-Employed person and economically independent.


Swimming, Basketball, tennis, Golf etc.

Insurance CompanyBest Coverage Allstate Agency
Date Today
Preferred Color #0A68EB
List of Hobbies

Writing novels, designing clothes for me, gardening and planting green vegetables

ProfessionIT / Linux and Windows Tech support at Freelance University of Portland

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    • Louis Douglas

      There is a science to major depressive episodes. When your brain is exposed to a depressed state for an extended amount of time is affects...More

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