Vanessa Leal


When I was engaged i always looked for fun couples activity in Houston, Dallas, Austin Texas and now, all i do is sitting at home working day and night for the half of the money.
I think that at this speed in my life i'm never going to become rich or somewhere near to be economically independent like I want. People, i like to be with a big crowd of people like in music concerts, political campaigns or even strikes at the streets. It is something that makes me feel safe and free.
Life goes by easy for all my friends because I see them posting pictures and laughing, it seems they all are very happy in their private and public lives. Or they just faking they are like that on their personal profiles? I wonder if that all is true sometimes.

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Preferred Color #BADB14
ProfessionAnimal Care Taker
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    • Vanessa Leal
      Repeat after me: “I am not a victim in circumstances I create for myself.” I am going to battle and then I'll be done. Victory is mine, but If I die I'll be reborn. I cant lose.
      • Vanessa Leal
        Nameless person: "So, you dared to unfriend me just because I believe in Climate Change?" Me: "Um, NOPE, I do not care at all really of who believes/supports or does not believe/support in that kind of stuff. I unfriended you because of your incessant need to share extremely rude and degrading memes." Nameless person: **dead silence**
        • Vanessa Leal
          My Hubby ran into somebody we both mutually know at the store today and she had the nerve to told him " you need to divorce your wife if you knew what I know you would leave her!" I told him sounds like that person wants to be with him. he laughed loud and said he would turn gay or cut his Bob off first.
          • Vanessa Leal
            I’m single because I haven’t allowed myself to get that close to people. I hae had many opportunities with some good men but I always end up walking away or just finding a reason. And this is why I say I’m not ready. Self Sabotage
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