How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs From A Brand New Mattress?

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs From A Brand New Mattress?

I need help with your feedback information on this issue! We (my family) have bed bugs!!!
 I’ve woken up with bites on my arms and I thought they were flea bites.
 Dog has no fleas. Looked up bug bite images and researched from there. 
Ugh, we found a nest behind our headboard. We have a brand new mattress that cost a couple of grand.
 First time we spent so much on a mattress. It took months for it to get delivered due to shipping, came wrapped in plastic.
This is a Bed Bugs Infestation!

Bed Bugs Infestation
Real Bed Bugs Infestation.
These insects smelly insects feed themselves from their victims blood while they are sleeping, then they hide to hash their eggs and reproduce by thousands in a matter of weeks. Bad bed bugs inside my bed mattress.
 We also brought new bedding and pillows to go with new mattress.
I’m so grossed out, I literally had a panic attack. How?? From where? Now what??? $4000 quote from exterminator.

Answers (46)

  • I'm sorry. Same happened to us. 
    We bought all brand new furniture and had it delivered.
    Apparently the furniture company delivers your new stuff and takes people's old stuff and they can transfer bugs this way. It's the worst.gotta get a pro out there ASAP.
    Cost us a few thousand.

    • Sarah Rogers

      I take the good advice about the luggage staying at the garage till it is properly clean, and I add also the clothing we dress up.!
      I've always worried about that. If they take your old mattress back I would not buy anything from them.

    • I will say never again. If that happen to me, Ie will do it myself. At my home, we also get a huge pump filled with rubbing alcohol and spray any U-Hauls that we may use
      ugh! This explains a lot!

    • You got to get rid of all your clothes, inclusive bed clothes, and the beds, then call an exterminator to spry with bugs poison to kill and exterminate them and their eggs too.

      • Ann Stewart

        Please Read My Lips: We learned ALOT from our tragic experience. We no longer bring in suite cases when we return from traveling. It stays in the garage till we wash it. And we strip down too in the garage after traveling. We basically got sick of the bed issue and tossed the new mattress and bedframe ( bed - frame.

        • Maureen Black

          This is what my professional told me.... He has a lot of awesome Vids on YouTube.
          What I do: Diatomaceous earth, spread liberally, mattress bag with micro zipper, open electric outlets and treat with Diatomaceous powder. Wash everything, dry on high heat.

        • I guess this is why the furniture company that delivered my new sofa explained why they no longer haul old furniture!

          • Doni Fishback

            I agree,  make sure to turn the heat in your house on high. My neighbor had them a few years ago. They were brought in on clothing from a friend. Luckily they caught them before they spread too deeply. We also used bed bug spray from the small local hardware store. If you get them early you can get rid of them fairly quickly. Just be diligent.
            Buy Nuvan Direct Spray Aerosol
            The price could be different now because everything is more expensive now a days.
            Save your entire home from bed bugs contamination, and it could become out of hand to control those little guys. Maybe you should call a professional exterminator to exterminate those bed bugs and other home plagues.

            • Khloe Jones

              I was about to write this. Just to let people know that diatomaceous earth is very effective on all bugs that have exoskeletons because if it gets on them it destroys their exoskeleton. Its a very fine powder that is even safe to be eaten (its used in cattle feed to destroy the insects) be careful not to inhale it or put it out in such a way that pets inhale it as it will damage lungs if too much. Also do not use on flowers as it also kills bees. Other bugs: ants, roaches, fleas, ticks, wasps, & mites. Very cheap too.
              Diatomaceos Earth Kill Bed Bugs
              No way that I'm going to live with annoying bugs in my home.

              • Heather Bundy

                I literally went to Home Depot, bought some spray and powder and took care of it ourselves. Vacuumed and washed everything in hot water. Took outlet covers off, squirted to powder in there, shook it into the cracks of our hardwood floors, sealed the kitchen so no poison will contaminate my dishes and foods, but it worked great, all the bad bugs were gone in a blank of an eye.

              • Yes, I did too, bought a gorgeous antique headboard, that I refused to throw out, so I went to war on those pesky devils and I won. They got exterminated by a professional exterminator, he was hired by me, and he arrived with all his extermination arsenal, for three days I went off my home.

              • When we had weird bugs inside our bedrooms, we couldn't take it and I reacted to the bites and my husband did not - so I slept on a cot in our room for 3 weeks to see if there were any stragglers while my husband slept on the couch.

                • Coraline Key

                  they ate me and my little chihuahua up before I realized it was not her
                  I did something similar and I was able to get rid of them. Bought the stuff at Lowe's.

                  • Harmony Woods

                    Call the store you bought it from and complain. See what they say, I'm sure they don't want it known that their mattresses have bed bugs. Second if you charged the mattress, call your credit card company and tell them they gave you an inferior product that had bed bugs. Third if you own a home or have apartment insurance see if bed bug damage is covered by your insurance policy. Prayers for you and your family

                  • My neighbors had that infestation problem  year ago. For that kind of $, do the heat treat. Remove plants and animals, the heat is so high, it kills bugs,eggs, and any creepy crawler. 1 time heat treat, done. Spraying takes several times and no guarantee

                    • Michael Clay

                      I agree. My dad did a pesticide treatment a few times when we were kids for lice and fleas and bedbugs. Cost us a bunch too. But by the 3rd time I developed a reaction to any forms of Deet and other pesticides. I'd rash on contact. Couldn't use mosquito spray for like 10 years.

                      • Lance Parker

                        Not to mention the fact that pesticides are toxic, and heat isn't.

                        Go ahead and search online the food grade Diatomaceous earth product. Sprinkle it all in the groove, creases, every where. I lived a while ago in an apt and bed bugs was brought in by a tenant which spread. The landlord had place tented and fumigation. and It worked.

                      • Heat treatment is really the only way to go. Don't throw your belongings out as they can treat them while they treat the house. Chemicals don't work because the chemical has to touch the bug in order for it to die... And bed bugs hide in the walls.

                      • Call your homeowner's insurance & the company that delivered your mattress. The bugs probably hitch hiked on one of the old mattresses that the delivery company takes away (" free delivery & removal of your old mattress"). Your homeowner's insurance may be able to pay for the exterminator. It's worth a phone call to find out.

                        • Katie Hoyt

                          Buy the bed bug traps at Lowes store, Home Depot etc.
                          They were on Shark tank. They work.
                          Buy food grade Diatomaceous earth and Sprinkle the house floors draws and bed bases with it.
                          Diatomaceous earth under a microscope, looks like shards of glass.
                          Look, if you don{t feel secure treating bad bugs, then call and pay the extermination service from a reliable exterminator.

                          • Anna Boswell

                            Good point!!! Our old mattress was taken by a separate truck from the new we purchased.

                            • Angela Furrh

                              That makes the most sense, but not necessarily true in all cases. I'm surprised they would send 2 different trucks. Maybe the mattress companies are getting smarter, or it may be a Health Department regulation.

                              • Annie Drake

                                The trucks they deliver in also pick up used. That's probably how they got into your new mattress. Really horrible. My hubby and I got chewed up by bed bugs in a hotel. Had to go on antibiotics. Not fun on vacation. It was a well known top hotel too !

                                • Tabitha Scott

                                  Diatomaceous earth .. FOOD grade.. it’s cheap & totally non-toxic for you and your pets (just don’t breathe it.. it’s not good for the respiratory system due to it being a powdery dust, like flour) wash all bedding in hot water & dust your mattress & floor with DE. Can be found in farm supply store, health food, pet supply stores, etc..
                                  Vacuum-up some DE into your vacuum cleaner bag / bin, then vacuum up the “nest area”. Dispose of it in a tightly closed container.

                                  • Edward Beck

                                    This what I will do intermediately! I'll Burn that mattress and hire an exterminator right away. Sometimes you just have to spend the money. Good luck to you when killing horrible bugs.

                                  • I've never had b3d bugs, but diatomaceous earth kills most bugs and is harmless to humans and pets. After washing and heating everything like others have suggested here I would spread some diatomaceous earth everywhere possible.
                                    See the image below in another opinion, and read the text.

                                    • Sary B. Ellis

                                      Diatamous earth causes lung damage if used indoors.
                                      When we bought our mattress, the truck had several used mattresses and our new mattress. I was immediately uneasy when I spotted all that in the van. They carry off the old mattresses in the same van with the new mattresses for the day… too much room for risk. If this could’ve been your culprit, I’d report it to the mattress company.

                                    • Get bed bug spray, rubbing alcohol and plenty of heaters. My old roommate picked up bed bugs at her last job. We had to treat the entire apartment. It took days, but it was pretty cheap.

                                      • Tara Dahoe

                                        Saturate the mattress and use a waterproof mattress cover.
                                        Bed bugs come in on shoes or thrift store finds. I know as I used to work at a Salvation army. Kept my work shoes at work if you know what I mean.

                                        • Josue Solis

                                          Bed bugs HAVE to be HEAT treated to get rid of them. That consists of wrapping your whole house to hold in the heat from their machines. NOTHING else kills them. Idc what home remedies people say. Don’t waste your money. See if the exterminator will let you setup a payment plan or something….. also, if your mattress is still in the plastic sealed completely…. It’s safe

                                        • I paid a pretty penny to get rid of that kind of horrible bugs from our house and we only ever found a few in my son's room. The exterminator could not even find them, but I was constantly being bite. I may have been allergic too because the bites would swell so bad (They are smart little vampires sucking our blood). I think I have PTSD from them, whenever I fell something rub against my legs I freak out and sometimes it's just my hair or something.
                                          We did the heat treatment, about 8 years ago, and paid $2,500, now it might cost a fortune to get rid of bed bugs from your home).

                                          • Novoa Richard

                                            Ok. So...we had someone in urgent need of housing. They stayed with us a month and brought bed bugs with them. We caught it early but even at that they had traveled on clothes to our living room as well. You absolutely must treat your entire house, top to bottom. Throw out everything you can. Do not use bombs. You need to buy the gallon pump spray and treat every single room completely. I mean, every mattress, the frames, along the walls, the bottoms of furniture. It took us 13 hours to do our house. Then, you get to do it all again in 2 weeks. Then again 2 weeks after that. Then once more after 4 weeks, so a total of 4 treatments. It worked, we have no more bedbugs (been 2 years) but it was absolutely grueling.

                                          • I know exactly what you are going through. I totally panicked! The quote is too high but it is expensive. I paid $600 several years ago. The exterminator spend most of the day taking apart every bed and every piece of furniture that we had and spraying as he went along. Then we had to stay in a hotel with the pets overnight or maybe two nights. I don’t remember. I have some advice in the meantime while you decide what to do- don’t move stuff around a lot. My exterminator said in order to keep the bugs from being scattered, let it be until you get help. I always thought the heat method would have been the way to go but no one in our area has the heater that you heat up a room to make them come out so you can collect them or spray them.

                                            • Sara Paxton

                                              Unfortunately not moving stuff around a lot also means to not move to the couch or something to sleep because they will follow you. Exterminator is my strong recommendation.

                                              • Jade Tailor

                                                I heard that a lot of delivery trucks take away old mattresses even if they have bed bugs. They get in the delivery truck and climb into the new ones.~Most companies do try to wrap the old mattresses in plastic however bedbugs are fast and very tiny when their eggs hatch on time, always.

                                                • Kalini Miller

                                                  These bugs are famous because their capability of reproduction and the harm they cause to human health. Actually I think that they climb on the workers who take them home and infest their house. True story.

                                                  • Rosemarie Roa

                                                    Yes. They will go where you are. If you are being bit every night, then you have quite a problem because they use you to fill up and don’t come back out for several days so the quantity does matter. You can really inspect your mattress and be sure and put any that you find in a Ziploc or something secure. Also look in between the metal on the frame where it overlaps. Try and get what you can that is biting you. I think you are lucky that you are reacting to the bites. I didn’t and my husband didn’t. If it had not been for my son’s welts, we would have not known about the problem until it was a huge number of them. They were in every bedroom. My exterminator did say that he treated an apartment that had them under a kitchen table hit when that happens, they are everywhere. They do prefer wood. You could also put petroleum jelly on your bed legs or post so they can’t crawl up them to get to you after you inspect your bed and frame

                                                  • Pass the vacuum machine and make sure to vacuum all crevices, between mattress along base boards every day couple of times a day, & put down diatomaceous earth, get bed bug sprays to kill any adults you see but the diatomaceous earth is what will eventually kill them all, just takes a little time. Put it every where & make sure it's food grade so it won't hurt you or any pets.

                                                    • Ally Brooke

                                                       I know about those little evils, Yes! They are so tiny when they hatch. I know they try to wrap the old mattresses up in plastic but those bugs are fast!

                                                      • Julia Garner

                                                        This is what most people do if they get them in! It's worth a complaint to mattress & pillow store. I just ordered pillows from A & was surprised they're returnable. With the infestation of BUGS I'm surprised at returns. Movers might have brought them but Bb are stealthy critters. Sorry. Good luck.

                                                        • L Farkas

                                                          It costs a lot of money to get rid of fast bed bugs. First, get the heat treatment and see how it goes. Try no to waste money buying expensive cans of sprays, as they do not work correct. Afterwards ask for dogs to come in to detect if any still exist

                                                          • Meshia Johnson

                                                            What can I say? I feel so sorry for you. We got them when we moved to Massachusetts from Virginia. I always heard when I was little don’t let the bedbugs bite (it sounds like a stupid joke). I had no idea they really existed. We had an exterminator come and it cost 350.00. We never had any again so far.

                                                            • Angela HK

                                                              Even if some people dear to say the some natural remedies like earth will take care of the bedbugs invasion and will kill them, and you could put that stuff everywhere. All natural and non toxic stuff...Don't take the risk and do not waste your time guessing around. 
                                                              Start covering mattress with special bed bug mattress really works.. they will Burrough in wood, base boards, curtain hems, inside mattresses, couches.. have to remove all material and dry in hot dryer for 45-60 min..wash then repeat drying. Carpet shampooing company helps due to 180° will kill them. Get your couches to garage and heavily spray with raid or spectricide for roaches. But repeat in 3 weeks when larvae hatches I believe.. we did room by room, due to pets , bag all clean material in sealed bags until house is done. It's a true nightmare.. we were lucky with couches, but list 2 mattresses. Important to keep checking after and cover mattresses

                                                            • Longtime ago, we had those evil bugs inside our home, then  we used Cimexa dust ordered from Amazon when my dad had bedbugs. It's the same idea as Diatomaceous earth. It will kill bedbugs but you have to get it in every little crease, crevasse, fold, pleat, etc. It leaves a dry gritty residue that can be washed away. Not good to apply around anyone with asthma as the powder is super fine and easily gets into the air. Good luck!

                                                              • Keke Palmer

                                                                You won't get rid of those evil bugs, because they hide real good and deposit their eggs that last p to an year after you treated your entire property. They will come back and get you harder, so you can deliver their babies to your friends homes, office etc.

                                                              • Sealing off ends of wood in furniture legs, hollow metal furniture with caulk . Like metal desks,chairs, TV stands. Etc
                                                                But, it could be they don’t just come from beds, that’s their name but they can literally be in anything and anywhere. If there is already a nest there I’d think you had them before the mattress came. But also if you live in an apartment it’s very easy to get them from neighbors and very hard to get rid of.

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