Is our sole purpose In life really to find a spouse?

I always am wondering if our true life purpose is really to find a wife / husband / soulmate ? I do think our purpose is to love but not just in a romantic way and I don’t t think that starts or stops at marriage.

Answers (35)

  • I honestly see it as Maslows hierarchy of needs. You have your basic needs, then safety and security, but a lot of people are stuck at love and belonging currently. And to fitful that void they are having children or chasing an idea of love that can bring them to the next step of self esteem. “If someone loves me for me I’ll love me for me” mentality. But, loneliness are plays a huge part too.

    • Vikki Frank

      The sociological purpose of Life is to survive, thrive, and procreate. How is this our purpose? We are hardwired with the fight/flight/hide neuronal & hormonal cellular communication system, as well as as the nutritional/appetite system; and we are hardwired with the happiness/pleasure neuronal & hormonal communication system. Everything else about Life is a human, social construct. Everything else in Life is a choice we can make, or have made for us under autocratic governance.

      • Aurora Seferi

        I have been thinking about this a lot lately as well. I think humans created our own concept of what we think love is and looks like ( when it comes to romantic love). If romantic love were truly meant to be the way humans constructed it to be in western society, why does it fail more times than not? The relationships/marriages that "don't fail" have just been endured with for the sake of being endured with.

        • John Deere

          Your purpose is to live your life to the fullest... there are plenty of people who are happy without a s/o or marriage.

          • Gino

            I never went out looking for my Wife / Soulmate, but we randomly met in 2004 and have never been a day apart since then and almost 20 years ago! And, we are not even from the same country or culture, therefore... if it is meant to be by our Almighty Lord, then it will truly just BE.

            • Ann Stewart

              Even bling girls get married, maybe some people demand to good for them and they drive away their pretendants.

            • Love comes when less expected, you'll see.

              • Maureen Black

                Got to trust yourself and never give up.

                • Sarah Rogers

                  Some times we look too much and far away, and maybe he or she is living by the next door from us.

                  • Doni Fishback

                    Your new man will come all by himself and he will start talking the whole day and night and then you will be probable asking How can get rid of this guy?? Patience, they cry like children.

                    • Khloe Jones

                      All purposes in this life is to be happy no matter how or what and with who.

                      • Heather Bundy

                        You got to be positive everyday and start fresh, also fix yourself pretty at all the times. You don't have to look so much, that person will arrive soon.

                      • I think that your turn will come, you just have to be aware and pay attention, so he or she doesn't get confused and go away for ever. Just catch them and keep them!

                        • Coraline Key

                          It is all on your mind, open up your life to share it with others and get to meet many people, then chose your life connection, the other half will appear the sooner or later.

                        • People married, a huge amount of them are wanting to get out from their relationship as married couples, and others their only goal is to enter inside that circle, maybe you should find a common middle point to live and see how it goes.

                          • Michael Clay

                            People should stay  alone and wait, if none appears who cares, just be happy, get a kitty cat or a dog for your home and be happy having a good pet animal friendly relationship

                            • Harmony Woods

                              I know people who live alone and their lives seem to me a very happy life, they look OK.

                              • Lance Parker

                                You probable have that person you're looking for right near your nose, just  look more close with details and you'll see he or her.

                              • Love plays an important role in everybody's life, of course it is .

                                • Katie Hoyt

                                  Allow time to do it{s job for you to find a good love relationship someday.

                                  • Wendy Lindsey

                                    Life has lots of surprises, you will see, just give it a chance.

                                    • Anna Boswell

                                      Don't worry, the sky is the limit, and there are millions of men and women looking for a partner, just like you. Go out to the local church and meet singles for a date, or got he gym to exercise and find cute healthy people in there.

                                      • Angela Furrh

                                        If I was you, i will start finding a partner and stop being alone in this life. Don't forge it is just one live, don't waste it.

                                        • Annie Drake

                                          Maybe finding friends first and then go from t here step up.

                                          • Tabitha Scott

                                            I share part of your story with my life. t is had to find the right person you know.

                                          • Honestly, soon you won't want to look anymore because there isn't that much available, all those guys are corrupted and surface men.

                                          • Every morning tell yourself that you love yourself a lot and then look to the sky and say you love God for ever. That will make your very happy for ever and ever.

                                            • Tara Dahoe

                                              I wonder if that is the same statement of people who got married 2, 3, 4, 5 6 and many times more.

                                            • You are the one pushing any man that comes in your way, that happens when people feel insecure of themselves, just go the church and find a good one there.

                                              • Josue Solis

                                                Tell yourself only nice words everyday, tell you are unique, beautiful and happy, then things will go different direction and very probable someone will appear asking to stay around you.

                                                • Novoa Richard

                                                  There aer many kinds of love, all depends if the person is happy living alone and wants to have a cat or a dog, or if the person prefers to find another human to spend their lives together for their remaining life.

                                                • Love is in all the places, I mean everywhere, but if you refuse to look at it, then it never arrives to your life. Open your life to others you must trust and then choose that one you feel confortable with, allow them to love you.

                                                • LOVE is the only purpose of living this life. Each one of us should concentrate on finding it.

                                                  • Jade Tailor

                                                    All depends if you find the right lover, you know, the person you always wished to be to your side till you will become old and spend the rest of your life wit them. It is all about being  happy person with their half orange and becoming a happy for ever couple. Never give up!!

                                                  • If you don't make your own family with your spouse or husband, then your life stinks and you find yourself alone and miserable down the road, even if you fake with happy pictures on social media it won't work because of loneliness. Sorry if my opinion offends your life style

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