How much cost a new bridge on my teeth?

How much cost a new bridge on my teeth?

I was flossing my teeth when a crown popped off. Since Dentist A did the work that failed, I went to Dentist B. They told me it’d be $11,500.00 for a bridge and repair to other work Dentist A did. 
I didn’t like that. 
I went to Dentist C. They told me I had 8 active infections and that the teeth that aren’t infected, have huge cavities. He said ALL of my teeth needed removal, then 6 on implants for two full arch dentures. The cost? $57,990.00!!!!!!!!!! 
I was crying, for days. I considered getting a loan and going to other countries for care. I made sure my will was up to date, just in-case the infections went into my blood. My adult daughter just had a baby girl. She’s taking time off from work. That dropped their income. She needed a cleaning. Her boyfriend recommended the county dentist. ( Dentist D. ) It’s a sliding scale based on income. She paid $16 for cleaning, and a minor filling. She told me about her recent visit. 
X-rays For Teeth Repair
I thought I’d make too much money, but I called them. I didn’t make too much!! The scale is very generous in our county. I went in. They did their own scans / X-rays. They found 1 infection. They can put a post in the root of the crown I lost, and put a new crown on. I don’t need a single tooth pulled! It’s going to take 5 short sessions (my work has weird hours) to fix everything I need fixed, but the cost is estimated at $1100.00. I bawled my eyes out when he told me I didn’t need ANY of my teeth pulled. 
If you need dental care, call your public health center. They might be able to help you too.
Dental Bridge Implants
Dental job already done. paid a lot!

Answers (50)

    • Aaren Myers

      I had a dentist who took over my dentist's office and first time I had my teeth cleaned she came in and said that I needed my old fillings taken out and crowns put in all of the teeth. I said crowns!?? She said yes, and I said, nope, not happening.
      Every time I have been to a dentist and established a routine, new dentist buys the office, they always want to do something extravagant. Car salesmen in white coats.

    • Yup I had the same thing happen to the dentist I went to. The new dentist then kept pushing me to get a bunch of bonding done that I don’t need. I’m currently trying to find a new dentist now that is honest ugh. Like finding a needle in a haystack..

      • Jaurin Castro

        The same exact thing happened to my brother! He had to change dentists.
        I think I've had work done that wasn't necessary throughout my life.
         The problem is, all that minor work was destructive to what were probably healthy teeth.
         It is tough to find a dentist who is honest. 
        I also think of them as car salesmen with their bad reputation of being thieves!

      • So thankful I’ve never had an experience like that. Very scary. We’ve always had insurance through our work. I just turned 39 and still have the teeth I was born with and good experience with dentists. What you shared would have caused to my grandfather his heart failure. Glad you found someone trustworthy.

        • Loren Swarts

          This is awful.
          We just don’t know who to trust in this dog eat dog world.
          So sorry you were under such stress but thankful you found an honest dentist.

          • Wendy Lindsey

            Thank you so much for sharing your story, and to everyone for your comments. I've been told I need a tooth pulled and an implant. I'm going to get at least three more opinions before I do anything!

            • Vanessa Leal

              What the heck is going on with those other dentists then? So glad you are getting the proper diagnosis and care.
              Very scary experience for you.
              Glad it's all turning out well.

              • Santos Avila

                I had an experience like that. 
                Dentist A said I had 5 cavities and severe gingivitis. I knew that couldn’t be true as I had been to a dentist 8 months prior.
                Dentist B found zero cavities, zero gingivitis, and just gave me a cleaning.
                There are some crooks out there.

              • Just looking at your x-rays you may need more treatment than what this last DDS told you. Looks like you've spent alot on your teeth in the past so don't compromise your care now. Please don't just go with the DDS that tells you what you want to hear. I would stay away from corporate dentists but most privately owned are trust worthy.

                • Anna Boswell

                  I agree, it looks like there is bone loss on the bottom anterior teeth…. I had work from great dental office and clinc before..

                  • Janet Brown

                    I'm glad you kept going until you got the option you needed. That is wonderful. I wish you all the best for your upcoming dental procedures.

                    • Micol Danieli

                      I’ve been to so many dentists that seem like car salesman now, just trying to sell me more and more. Finally found a dentist that I can trust, doesn’t try to upsell, and takes great care of my teeth. It’s about 30 miles away, but well worth the extra drive.

                      • Angela Furrh

                        Yes my brother had perfect teeth no cavities ever, went to a new dentist cause ours moved, new dentist said he had 6 cavities, had 3 filled and something happened and he never went back, many years later she went to another dentist for check up and said i know I have 3 cavities, they checked and there were none, the other dentist drilled and filled perfect teeth just to get $$$

                        • Annie Drake

                          Yea, it's hard to see clearly but there are issues.
                          It makes me angry that these other so called dentists tried to steal so much money from you. And they are everywhere. Thankful your daughter and you got just what you needed-no more. Happy eating.

                          • Joelle Carter

                            I’m beginning to believe that dentists are some of the best con men / women on the planet. They have people putting 2nd mortgages on their home for dental implants on people with gum disease. I could go on & on & on.
                            I THINK I finally found a good honest dentist

                            • Tabitha Scott

                              I don't want to work for dentist clinics anymore, I retired from dental hygiene in 2021. It is not just that you found a good dentist, you found a rarer bird, a dentist who was conservative in his approach. I worked for one. I was paid less at this office than at other jobs but I stayed with him because of he educated and let the patient decide.

                            • I need to know where are you located? Just in case if I really need a good, honest dentist, too!!

                            • It happened to my father and  we just told the dentist doctor outright … Sir, we are not going to mortgage our home and properties, we only want necessities completed, we are not interested in implants ( My father has gum disease) my father doesn’t, but isn’t paying the price for implants either. We are not interested in having every single filling replaced just because it’s 45-65 years old … basically if it doesn’t hurt just clean em and we’ll see ya in 6 months. My father had 5 teeth pulled (all old root canals) and got a partial instead of implants that other dentists insisted he have done. We have too many friends and family in all ages groups that are having terrible results with implants. A friend spent $59,000 she had a beautiful smile for about 9 months … now those implants are failing and she is needing additional costly surgery. I will always go for 3rd & 4th opinions on dental work also.

                              • Sary B. Ellis

                                My teeth doctor tried that on me. And I said nope going for second opinion.
                                Second one told me nope not a procedure for my mouth.

                              • If you live near a university with a dental school, they also do great work, inexpensively, and most will work payment plans. I had a ton of work done a couple years ago that also included a gold crown and crown lengthening surgery, for under $2000 for everything.

                                • Tara Dahoe

                                  Thank you for sharing, that is terrible. I tend to think that dentistry is largely guess work.  and Yes they do take advantage of people.

                                • It isn’t a guess work (you have tests and x rays to back up your work and you need to document everything), but it is a healthcare service that is influenced by the patient and their habits  /health conditions. For example, if you know (based on recurrent visits with multiple cavities) that someone is more prone to cavities, you have to do more to take care of this patient to prevent serious infections. Contrast this with someone who is not prone to cavities and has a small lesion, you may be able to get away with more conservative treatments like SDF for example. Every profession has good and bad people, but a lot of dentists want to do good for their patients. It’s just unfortunate when we encounter one who is not so great.

                                  • Josue Solis

                                    This is so true! Additionally, EVERY dentist goes through different training. Their ‘schools of thought’ vary…JUST LIKE medical doctors. Yes, there are those who over diagnose just to sell you their price, but there are those who UNDER-DIAGNOSE, which can be devastating and life threatening. A ‘good’ dentist does not necessarily equal a ‘cheap’ dentist.
                                    It’s difficult to see this as the patient and dentistry is EXPENSIVE…it just is.

                                    • Novoa Richard

                                      This just makes me mad! Greed for sure! Implants, especially. I love telling these professionals that I worked in the dental industry for years, and give me another solution. Definitely get more than one opinion.

                                    • I told my dentist that I grind my teeth so she referred me to an orthodontist. The orthodontist tried to sell me that if I get Invisalign then it’ll stop me from grinding my teeth. She said it was a neurological problem because my teeth weren’t straight enough. Mind you, I already had braces as a teenager. After that, I got an epiphany that maybe dentists for the most part are charlatans and hadn’t been back since

                                    • My dad is a retired dentist and the sweetest, kindest, man of great integrity (and perfectionism). Since his retirement , I found 3 crooks and 2 who do shoddy work. I have stories…Grrrrr. A whole new level of appreciation for my dear dad.

                                    • As a dental professional I hear stories of dentists doing this all the time and it makes me sick!!! How do they sleep at night. Glad you got it done honestly!!! So glad I work for an honest dentist!!!

                                    • Okay good. keep up with 6 month cleanings. It's easier that way. Don't let a little cavity get by You! Stay away from the dentist that diagnose your purse!

                                    • Same happened with my nephew. The first dentist said he had like 12 cavities. Took him to a different dentist and he had none.

                                    • It is very sad that 1/2 of the dentists out there are potentially scam artists.
                                      It is hard to forget the news story about the pediatric dentist that was pulling the teeth of his young Medicaid patients who didn't even need it. That story scares me to death. From what I remembered, most of the time the parent wasn't even allowed in the room during the procedure which would have been a red flag for me.

                                      • Edward Beck

                                        We managed to get rid all of them with a special spray saturated the mattress surface especially around the edges. Spray underneath too, don't forget because they are smart and hide very well. Wash all the bedding. Hopefully that will do the job.

                                        • Sara Paxton

                                          This sad story really is making me thank my dentist who never does work that is not necessary and have to book like 4 months in advance because he’s honest everyone loves him
                                          I’m so happy you found a better solution and didn’t get ripped off. I'm sorry about you bad dentist and hope you find a real one in there.

                                          • Rosemarie Roa

                                            So scary that the dentist told you that. Goodness me... 57,000 and thinking about dying. So sad for you!! When I thought I'd need an implant two dentist told me, keep your own teeth whenever possible. had a root canal and filling rather than a crown.

                                            • Ayla Reynolds

                                              Something strange happened to me! I thought I’d keep my business local & went to a local dentist. They wouldn’t even do a cleaning because they said I needed the deep cleaning first. I went back to my original dentist. Since then I’ve heard the local dentist likes to perform things that aren’t especially needed, especially on little kids .

                                              • Anita Joseph

                                                My Grandma paid almost $60,000 for new teeth bridge and treatment of her all mouth. Lots of dollars going away to the dentist clinics.

                                                • Kalini Miller

                                                  These dentist prices today are outside the affordability for thousands of people in United States and the entire world, that's sick and crazy. Great outcome and good info. I'm about to get a second opinion on a tooth my dentist says need pulling (a molar) that has given me no indication of pain or anything. I can see by your situation I def need another opinion. TY, hope you dental work goes well.

                                                • Thanks so much for sharing this great information!
                                                  We got a quote for $6.5 k for my son to have a couple of cavities filled, and then caps for a couple teeth as well, but since he has ASD he will also need to be under general anesthesia. It is all a lot to think about. We don't have dental insurance so far and I need to get some other opinions and prices, but I didn't know I could call the health department. Thanks for that!

                                                  • Julia Garner

                                                    I can give you guys this tips: In the past when we had no dental insurance, we bought a private plan that covered a lot. And every year we kept it, the plan covered more and more on higher priced items.

                                                    • Jade Tailor

                                                      My sister is a dental hygiene student ( She will graduate within next four months ) this really makes me want to be a dentist professional and volunteer. I despise dentists who lie for money. I guess  will be studying dental career for becoming a serious doctor.

                                                      • Ally Brooke

                                                        In my case, I had old crown work that needed replacing. Went to dentist at medical school. I now have beautiful teeth..I chose to cap all of the ones that show. It was around $14,500. I now love to smile!

                                                        • Kate Gaughan

                                                          It wasn't quit that serious of a result, but when my  8 year old was younger, his new pediatric dentist told me he had 5 cavities forming that needed attention, nothing had been said by the previous one at that location. I decided not to do anything and take him to my dentist for his next exam and he said there were no cavities. I'm glad I didn't have him get fillings for nothing

                                                          • Erma Davis

                                                            I’m glad it worked out for you, which means you moved on from dealing anymore with that dentist doctor.
                                                            I always try to get more than one opinion when it comes to dentistry. I had a dentist tell me I had 8 cavities that all needed to be filled. A second female dentist told me they didn’t see a single cavity.
                                                            Dentistry is a huge industry with a lot of unscrupulous grifters who will push unnecessary services on you in the name of money to get rich the fastest and easy way.

                                                            • L Farkas

                                                              I say...Wow!! Good for you getting different opinions...and bless the real dentist of the bunch to think of their patients health and not their wallet!

                                                              • Angela HK

                                                                When I spend time reading all this guys stories is breaking my heart. My deceased father was a fine outstanding dentist and took such pride in caring for ALL peoples oral dental health. I watched him, I worked beside him, I remember all the years of him working his butt off, getting, utilizing and learning to be the kind of dentist  doctor of dental surgery to help all mankind. He had dental payment plans, gave more than 1 option to help others no matter their current financial situation. I was going to dental hygiene school when he was killed riding his Harley-Davidson motorcycle crash (yes, he was a proud biker). My husband and I were pregnant with our 1st baby and my father   never got to meet her and she (baby girl) did not get to meet her handsome Grandpa. The whole story was so devastated that I never finish dental hygiene school. What I can tell You All is this……. There are and I want to believe Still Outstanding, professional and compassionate, and honest dentist around. Breaks my heart for those who possibly ruin the trust of others when their dental cares need to be taken care of. Graduating from one of the finest dental schools in the world that represented the blood, sweat and tears of Who He Was, was extremely important to him. I am sorry for those of you who have not been able to get your dental needs taken care of. I too am now in desperate need of getting my dental health looked at and taken care of. Pretty sure he would be rolling around in his grave. I would tell any of you to keep flossing every single day, watch year diet, and keep pressing forward and get those 2nd and 3rd opinions if needed. Go to the dental schools, bc they can’t move on with another procedure without doing it properly. Plus the doctors dentist always check their work constantly!It just takes longer than a regular dental practice. Prayers and answers to prayers for everyone wanting to take care of their dental health to be the best for you.

                                                                • Mallory Weiss

                                                                  My family dentist was the doctor I’ve been going to for years. The same dentist I’ve seen since I was like 6 years old. Just went on Wednesdays for a teeth cleaning and as always she tells me my teeth are healthy and beautiful (she was a very nice lady). I went to one other dentist when I had different insurance one time and they sat there and tried to tell me I had periodontal disease and needed a descaling. Thought it was weird my normal dentist never brought up anything about it and I’ve gone every 6 months for my entire life. Went back to my regular dentist and she said my gums were fine and nothing to worry about. Some dentists are wild people!

                                                                  • Julia Fleet

                                                                    (I mean, not a brag) My teeth are perfectly straight, white teeth. I went in for a regular cleaning and was told that I needed braces and that 5 teeth had cavities. Something didn’t seem right- I had moved so I was at a new dentist. I decided to drive the 1.5 hours to my old dentist and he 1) laughed about the braces and 2) I had no cavities.
                                                                    Don’t let a dentist talk you into unnecessary work. Go where you fell comfortable

                                                                  • Cheap in Costa Rica, the price was $1200. You should go vacations and then have it done there. I know a friend that became a happy lady after she decided to do the trip for her teeth. She said it is called Medical truism from the US.

                                                                  • It is so true. My last dentist charged me an amount that I thought was outrageous even after my insurance paid. They finally agreed to audit my account and decided they owed me $600.

                                                                  • You know what.I would like telling you that you can't trust a dentist. I had my regular dentist tell me I needed a filling bc I was "getting" a cavity. Haha 3 yrs. later, I still don't have a cavity in that spot, and I changed dentists. Now I wonder how much work I had done that wasn't necessary.

                                                                  • My family had put a crown, only cause in the past I fell down the stairs as a kid and need a root canal and everything from breaking my front tooth in half. She put the crown on when I was 16, when I went off to college I ended up chipping my crown and was super self conscious about it. Tried to see a dentist there, they just filed it for me so it wasn’t so broken looking and then went to my regular dentist when I could get in like 2 weeks later. She informed me I was right on the cusp of the warranty, apparently the crown had a 4 or 5 year warranty so she was able to replace it for free for me. That was 10 years ago and luckily haven’t had any problems with my crown. I understand you not wanting to go back to dentist A but the work may have been covered 100%

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