Which Insurance Company You All Use For Best Prices

Which Insurance Company You All Use For Best Prices.
I need advice for full coverage insurance. Who do y'all use for car insurance best prices? 
OK fellow in LA, I need advice!! My husband handles most our bills. I just found out yesterday we're paying $467 through Progressive for full coverage insurance on our 2 vehicles. Neither of us have had a driving ticket or accident or anything for at least 5 years. I know this price is ridiculous!! Who do y'all use for best prices? Sorry...edit lol..this is monthly folks!!
Car Insurance Coverage
Best auto insurance, which one you have for your vehicles?

Answers (40)

    • Sara Paxton

      I have the insurance with the car insurance company called Geico. And it is charging me $155.00 a month for full coverage insurance of my vehicle.....I haven't had any tickets so far, none car accidents, or even warnings in over 10 years!!

      • Rosemarie Roa

        I'm in a rural Cincinnati Ohio....
        I have being looking for cheaper insurance now.

        • Ayla Reynolds

          There are so many variables to insurance. 2 years ago I lived in Las Vegas and was paying 140 a month with Geico, I moved to Washington and pay just 66.00 a month (I have a good driving record).

        • Check your deductible and make sure you have enough money and savings to cover your deductible if you get envolved in car or truck accident. I save you a little bit of money by raising my deductible through a thousand dollars but if something happens I can cover it not only on a card but I can also pull money for my savings to pay out right so I have options. Definitely shop around because I drive a 2019 Ford truck full coverage roadside assistance and pay about $100 a month

          • Julia Garner

            Well, that’s crazy if  she said it’s for a month or if that is two cars for 6 months that is good!

            • Jade Tailor

              Try root inc if available in your state. My husband and I have 2 cars that have double state min, full coverage, $100 deductible, roadside, etc. And pay only the amount of  $173 / month.

              • Kalini Miller

                The other day, I called my friend for a quote and now i decided to switch to her coverage, BUT she's helping me switch without it costing a bunch of money from my old insurance, I think that company is great.

                • Karla

                  It is a simple task that can save lots of money per year on car, health, and real estate insurance coverage each year! If you think you can't ge the best and good price, don't misread the small text from insurance companies advertisement..check around and also ask for any safe driver programs.

                  • Demi Hale

                    I pay about $567 price for a longtime? 9 months.
                    You can go over all your coverage individually. Many people have much more coverage than they need. "Full coverage" is not a standard amount. Depending on your state laws, you may be able to reduce the cost with a simple conversation. Call your agent.

                    • Gracie Fields

                      Ouch! Check out the search engine and type to search this term "best insurance company near me". I don't know which place you are living, but if do you really need full coverage, then ask them, try to get their phone number or a chat service perhaps in your city or state.

                      • Anita Joseph

                        This price for a month? That's crazy stuff. Every 1/2 of a year? That's a very cheap and good price.
                        Also depends on the place you live, location .. location and how much coverage you're getting. If the zip code have more accidents and stuff that'll really raise your rates as a customer.

                        • Bill Mayne

                          It also depends where you live (the place insurance prices change ). Big city will be a lot more. I used to live 6 blocks out of Chicago city limits and my agent showed me the difference in what it would have cost then based on that four block zip code difference. I pay less than that per month for 3 vehicles ( two are 2017, one is 2020 - all full coverage, 2008 - liability only ) which includes two teen drivers, PLUS our house insurance, our ATV, and umbrella policy. Please call local insurance agencies that have many companies under their advisement to check best price for you.

                          • Ally Brooke

                            They make it up as they go, when I left my city's downtown and moved to the woods they said higher because of the environment.

                            • Amarie Sieg

                              Maybe you should take over the bills and such... and I think  do that or  at least access to the bills. She is financially blind at this point.

                            • Wow I don’t even pay that on 4 vehicles in Saint Louis and we have notoriously high rates because of the amount of car accidents everyday in this city. We use Freeway Insurance but we also have home and umbrella policies bundled to save money.

                              • Siahara Shyne

                                My dad and me had progressive for 16 years. A friend started a State Farm practice and asked to quote us. Our bill went down by over $220 a month and we got better coverage!

                                • L Lenney

                                  I hired a company with the name of Esurance, but there others good ones out there are offering very comprehensive plans to cover all your assets like the vehicles, home, properties, health and more.  I personally keep insurance cost down by paying in full for the entire term ( 6 mos in my case ) it saves the interest they charge you when you pay monthly.
                                  To help with the large payment, I just set x amount of money aside each month for the insurance so when it is due again, I have the payment in full.
                                  Might not help you but letting you know just in case! Keep shopping for the best fr you at your state.

                                  • Erma Davis

                                    To me that makes a lot of sense too. Here in my town, around where I am, somewhere  out in the country / rural areas is pricier because farther to drive for work and commodities which increase risk of excessive wildlife damage (deer jumping to the front and sides of your vehicle, little animals crossing the road, birds beating the car windshield etc). Many deer and turkey are regular contributors to keeping auto body shops in business around here and more rare, bear or moose or elk. Big city has more drivers more chance to get damage or stolen.

                                    • L Farkas

                                      I have the best company, it is State farm. Look for an insurance broker-they can look at different insurance companies and find you the best rate. This should be a free service

                                      • Darcy Carden

                                        I switched from Geico Insurance after 12 years to State Farm Insurance, it has much better prices. I got nothing from Geico and Allstate and I would call and ask for discounts

                                      • We have always paid the whole term up front ( we never wait ). This year my sister paid for her daughter the whole term with her tax refund. Then she started a savings account for her insurance and had the monthly amount auto deducted from her check son when its due again, she will have the money ready.

                                        • Katie Robin

                                          Oh wow!  My family pay only the amount of $200 dollars a month for full coverage on our cars, a Honda Accord 2019 Traverse, full coverage on his 2016 Toyota  truck, liability on my gas saver 06 Nissan Altima AND renters insurance coverage...I'm 41 he is 49 .. We have State Farm insurance plans.

                                          • Angela HK

                                            I think opening and starting an insurance bank savings account only and when feasible start paying insurance by the 6 month premium. Many times insurance companies will tack on $5-8 a month for monthly billing (ask them). And shop around for insurance. Its a lot of work but even if you check out three companies you will have done some due diligence.

                                            • Mallory Weiss

                                              Age and location also get taken into account and consideration with the rates you get when signing an agreement with an insurance company, your rate. You can also see if you can get discounts for taking defensive driving courses, good stuff applies for good. Also, insurance rates are going up as a whole ( I was working a while ago in insurance) I would still shop around for a better quote. I’ve used one of the big American brands, Allstate and Geico before all good.

                                              • Emily Garcia

                                                My sister has Nation wide, No tickets or anything against her family. She, her husband and 2 teenagers covered just liability for 5 vehicles .. $200.00 monthly.. they live in Florida.

                                              • Now me and my family use an insurance broker who finds us the best package deal from among the companies they represent. Right now that is Safeco.
                                                But, I think because I heard several neighbors talking about Geico is also known for being universally a good deal on auto insurance (not so much on homeowners though). If I was in your situation of shopping for the best insurance deal, I get a few quotes and work with a live person who can tell you what’s driving up your cost (too much coverage, new expensive cars, zip code, etc.), then you’ll have a better idea if you can change any choices to bring it down).

                                              • Lets say...mutual has been our car insurance carrier for over 2 decades. Every a couple of years we call around ( even USAA ) and get quoted thousands higher for the house, car etc bundle. I have to say worth a call and ask about all the discounts. We have one for my husband's employer and one for where I went to college.

                                                • Edward Beck

                                                  I had a car Full Coverage and pay $105 with my son on my insurance, that's kind of history because now the same coverage costs me 250 a month.

                                                • Wow, my family pay at little over $3000 a year for 4 of us and my girl and boy are 21 and 23. I'm not familiar with Texas insurance prices and regulations, but we go through an agent who regularly prices it out to make sure we are getting the lowest rates.

                                                  • Kate Gaughan

                                                    What type of vehicles are you driving? Something like a Ford 4 doors family vehicle, or a Dodge Challener will cost more to insure than a Ford Fiesta. How far do you drive to work? That also matters. Do you live in a high crime area? That matters. So many darned things matter. Also your FICO Score matters. If you have bad credit that will count against you.

                                                    • J.d. Elo

                                                      I will say to you that’s way too much. However, be aware that if you have poor credit that alone can really alter your insurance rates. If that isn’t the case you need to shop around.

                                                      • Julia Fleet

                                                        My family have our car insurance through Geico, here in Lincoln, Nebraska. We have 3 cars insured and my husband, our 24 year old son, our 22 year old daughter ( each of whom have 2 tickets, and me. Neither my husband nor I have tickets. We pay $480.00 / month.

                                                      • That seems crazy high, I’ve never paid more than 1800 Annual for two vehicles ever. I live in FL, with 900 Deductible. You probable should call all available insurance agencies and start getting more quotes to beat the system and save money!

                                                      • Always remember that an insurance broker does not charge for the service of getting quotes for you from various insurance agencies like Geico, Progressive, Liberty, State Farm and many others they might represent because they are an insurance agency near you or with in your state areas. They don't sell insurance for all companies though so you'll need to also get quotes from places like State Farm and All-State also.

                                                      • Like I said, I use Farmers insurance company for a while already.

                                                      • I recommend you to go through different insurance brokers for the best prices (shopping around for best insurance deals). They can get rates from all different insurance companies. I have several policies and have saved a bundle.

                                                        • Ellen Madison

                                                          You should go shopping for a better insurance coverage deal, make sure to make a call to an agent. I have State Farm and Geico, but it was brokered through a local insurance agency. We're paying $700 every six months for two vehicles. One is full coverage and the other is plpd.

                                                          • Mary Binkley

                                                            Right now I I'm using GEICO Insurance  and they let me use their GEICO Mobile App. Their programs have very reasonable rates too. If you want to contact them do so by making a phone call to this phone number: (888) 395-1200.

                                                            • Shaggy

                                                              I chose Liberty mutual insurance, because it is the best for car insurance and home insurance coverage, Even health insurance too.

                                                            • I change insurance companies often as I see a better deal. Sometimes State Farm insurance and some other time Liberty insurance or Geico Insurance for a change. I'm not stupid and I beat the system easily with discounts, coupons etc

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