How To Live Longer By Eating Healthy And Sleeping Well Everyday?

I don't want to die young and instead I would love to live more than a hundred years healthy.
If you guys know how to stay ahead of the life style where I can enjoy my life in a healthy and responsible way, that will be great, I think.
Eating Healthy Prolongs Life in Humans
Fruits and vegetables are a great choice??
What do you guys eat at breakfast, at lunch and for dinner? I need to have a certain idea of eating healthy and seen the doctor less.
D you take vitamins everyday and if so which vitamins are the best to remain healthy and young.
Which natural drinks provide a healthy group of nutrients and do you eat meats?

Answers (10)

    • Patty Jenkins

      Girl, just eat when you are hungry, and please, drink a good drink to get full and have forces during the day, because tomorrow will be another day.

      • Gucci Mane

        I was reading a laboratory report about being young for many years and the results were amazing. People must avoid the strait to Sun damage on their their face and body from the Sun ultraviolet light "Exposure to UV radiation causes early aging of the skin and damage", people have to sleep a minimum of six hours everyday, people should avoid buying and drinking sodas, artificial drinks, junk foods and not drink alcoholic beverages ever. People could eat more in the mornings and less in the evenings.

        • Keyla Jessie

          I eat less, just enough in the mornings, medium at noon and little bit at evening.
          I drink enough of water and none tea or coffee.

          • Elle Fanning

            It is better to start worrying early than later. I eat delicious salads too, love veggies.

          • I eat bread and beef all the times and I never get fat. Sometimes I wonder if my metabolism is second to none.

          • I think that it is enough to sleep good for six to seven hours per day and drink lots of water to maintain a cute face.

            • Tracy Chapman

              I just eat delicious foods and never care about getting fat or too skinny either.

              • Angel Akon

                I eat and drink good till I'm full and always being able to sleep a minimum of six hours strait. I feel always great.

                • Margot Robbie

                  I like salads with a lot of cheese and bread crumbs. The eating what ever but in small amounts and at the right time.

                • You know what is the saddest thing?  To die and never eating what you wanted, always suffering for not treating yourself with delicious dishes and fruits, listening to diet experts and still died from starvation or cancer in the stomach. Then I think, No, I will eat what ever I want and God will decide about me.

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