What Is A Cheap Method To Get Rid Of Fleas On My Dogs?

What is a cheap method to get rid of fleas on my dogs?

I have 3 and the pill is $50 each pet dog that I have at home!
I need some suggestions please! it is very important to me and maybe your feedback will be also valuable for many dog and cats owners. I heard some other pet owners saying that they can't get rid of fleas on my dog, no matter what they try, Is that true?.
 What could be the best and cheaper method to get rid of fleas on my dogs?.
Treat Pets Cats And Dogs For Fleas
Keeping the pets healthy without bugs like fleas.

Answers (16)

  • Garlic powder on their food. Natural flea and tick repellent and if that doesn't work for your pets, then buy the Seresto collar they are usually around $60 dollars a piece and last 8 months. I try to buy them on days specials like the Black Friday from Petsmart or chewy online for $30 a piece and then put them on around March or April and hope for the best during the winter lol.
    Common Questions About Garlic
    Garlic Granules With dry Food, What Kind Of bugs Are Spelled by garlic? .....

  • Don’t take the cheap way out. Care for your pets isn’t a place to cut costs.

    • Vanessa Leal

      FYI, for everyone suggesting eucalyptus oil and other essential oils, please stop. You’re extremely lucky nothing has happened to your animals but by suggesting this you could cause her to kill her animals. Essential oils aren’t meant for animals. I can’t even tell you how many patients are brought to the clinic due to essential oil toxicity. Eucalyptus specifically contains cineole which targets the central nervous system causing severe symptoms and can lead to seizures. I’ve had animals die in my arms from it. It’s also not safe to put in a defuser.
      Eucalyptus Oil 8 To 10 OZ Spray Bottle
      Take control of your home and the pet by eliminating pests like fleas and other insects.

      • Sarah Sanders

        Some wouldn't have pets ifone can't give them the best life, remember we are their voices. They count on us...
        With that being said, perhaps look up DIY sprays..( they don't work that great ) Check daily for ticks and fleas. Lyme is no joke.. Neither are creepy crawling things on pets and humans

      • It’s about priorities, sure skimp in other areas but not your pets health and comfort. Having fleas can be excruciating for dogs and proper preventative care is part and parcel of having pets. There’s no way around it.

      • Very few EO’s are not toxic to pets. And diffused EO’s are not ‘safe’ because they aren’t ‘ingesting’ or ‘in contact’ with it...because they are actually ingesting it and they are ‘in contact’ with the air then they lick themselves and they’ve just ‘ingested’ a minuscule dose...and some will seek to lick the diffuser if they can get at it. And the few that are safe for dogs doesn’t mean safe for cats and vice versa... Plus when dealing with EO’s there’s vast difference between ‘for cosmetic use’ and ‘food safe’ that is refined from any contaminants. Never ingest a cosmetic use EO, there is no safe ingestion of a cosmetic use EO. Additionally, since food safe EO’s are difficult to find and can be quite expensive if you do I strongly recommend just not ingesting any EO. Might not cause death but then, death isn’t necessarily the worst result, imagine damaging your kidneys, liver or heart and living a very long time with a possibly debilitating health condition from consuming a highly concentrated essential oil product.

        • Mary Ellis

          I'd be very careful with these medicine for animals called Seresto. They're now being linked to thousands of pet deaths.
           I didn't realize links aren't allowed, sorry! Search Seresto deaths for lots of info.

          • Marta Saenz

            It makes me so sad that pets are at the mercy of their owners and only get as good of life as the owner is willing to give them. They deserve the best food and best care possible. Then love, attention and exercise is free. As owners we are obligated to make their short little lives as wonderful as possible.

          • There are counterfeit ones also. Mom got one from the stores online of Amazon. The ones on Chewy are legit according to Seresto when she checked with them directly.
            Look, also there are other good methods like these:
            Buy a Black Flag Flea & Tick Killer 11093-1 Home treatment & growth regulator on a spray can, or the full 1-Gallon, or the 4-pack.
            Yes, another good system could be buying the treatment with Frontline, see the photo image.
            Frontline Plus Kills Ticks Eggs And Fleas Larvae Chewing Lice

          • I agree it's necessary to take care of your pets health. There definitely is more than one way to skin a cat though, and wanting to do the right thing by one's pet shouldn't necessarily mean getting fleeced by companies that greatly charge a cheap amount of monthly payment to come to your place and spray their fleas and bugs treatments, those companies are called pest control or .

          • I was coming to comment the same! Seresto collars (flea and tick collar provides continuous protection over your dog's skin and coat for 8 months)! We were using Nexguard, pretty pricey for two dogs. So we tried Seresto collars early fall last year and they work just as good, maybe even better!
            However dogs should definitely be supervised at first because I ordered one for my moms dog and it gave her dog seizures.
            Best Flea And Tick Collar Providing Continuous Protection For Pets Skin
            This product kills and repels fleas ad ticks, it is guaranteed.

          • Don’t cheap out on this. See your vet for medications and vacuum every day and wash everything you can in hot water. Then make sure your dogs are on good preventatives!

            • Charity Bailey

              I use a seresto on my dog...I have 5 cats and two rabbits... No fleas on any of them becuz of the collar...and my cats go outside too
              I don’t skimp on my pets!!!

              • Letha Cherry

                Diatomaceous earth food grade... neem oil hands down..... works like a charm total cost 25 dollars... For enough easy 5 years.. plus you can worm with Diatomaceous earth... Will also kill tape worm.

                Food For Dogs Diaromaceous

                • Luis Alonso

                  I use the Soresto collar (from a reputable source to make to not to get the knockoffs that float around) been using it on my current dog for 6 years and my last dog for 4 years without issues.

                  • Lekia Moore

                    if only those methods were effective, I see the OP getting advice to use garlic and dawn soap, both terrible options for the animal.
                    All advice was not created equal!

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